Call for Proposals for BRICS

Grounding research in evidence, advocating for change, and empowering the Bronx.

The Center for Community Engaged Learning is pleased to announce a call for proposals for the 2024 - 2025 academic year. We invite Fordham faculty members to submit proposals for short-term projects that align with the key focus areas of BRICS. We encourage proposals that examine pressing challenges the Bronx community faces, leveraging interdisciplinary perspectives and innovative methodologies. Whether your research interests lie in technological advancements, sustainable development, healthcare innovations, urban planning, social justice, or other relevant areas, BRICS provides a platform to amplify the impact of your scholarly contributions.

Submission Cycle Timeline


Step 1: PIs must submit a Notice of Intent (NOI), limited to 500 words, by June 15, 2024. The concept proposal should succinctly articulate the problem under investigation, outline sample research questions to be explored, address any equity concerns associated with the chosen topic, and furnish a provisional roster of the research team, encompassing co-PIs and community collaborators.

  • Title
  • Submitting team (PI and any co-PIs)
  • Statement of the real-world problem impacting the Bronx that the research addresses
  • Description of research questions
  • Sample use of funds

Step 2: The Research Committee will consult with proposal teams, offering recommendations such as project mergers or extensions and facilitating brainstorming sessions. Subsequently, teams will refine their concept proposals by June 30, 2024, incorporating insights gained from this collaborative process.

Step 3: Full proposal – due by August 1, 2024

Contact Information:

  • Applicant’s Name
  • Affiliation
  • Title
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address

Proposal: A 1500-word description of the research project. A supplementary field is provided to upload a separate document containing citations, images, etc. Supplementary information is optional, and reviewers are not required to consider it in their evaluation.

Interdisciplinary, Cross-Department, and Community Collaboration: A detailed description of collaboration among interdisciplinary teams, departments, and community partners.

Bio Sketch or CV: Biographical sketches or CVs of the Principal Investigator, co-investigators, collaborators, and other team members. 

Project Budget: Budget Form detailing project expenses. Please refer to the Funding Statement Guide.

Evaluation and Review Criteria 

The Center for Community Engaged Learning will appoint a BRICS review committee comprising internal and external reviewers to assess proposals against the following core criteria:

Innovation: The proposed research must represent a substantive advancement in knowledge relative to the current state of the field and existing endeavors.

Interdisciplinary and Community Collaboration: Projects must involve a Principal Investigator (PI) and at least one co-PI from at least two Fordham programs, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. Additionally, including a community or organizational member in the project team is essential to ensure community engagement and relevance.

Equity: Evaluation will consider the extent to which the proposed project addresses equity concerns relevant to the research focus, ensuring inclusivity and fairness in its outcomes.

Impact: The research should demonstrate a tangible potential for direct, real-world impact, offering viable solutions to specific issues within the Bronx community. Proposals should outline a clear pathway to achieving this impact, which may involve collaboration with external stakeholders such as NGOs, corporations, and government bodies.

Submit Application