Spanish Language and Literature

Degree Options: Major, Minor
Locations: Lincoln Center, Rose Hill
Visit the Department of Languages and Cultures

470,000,000 people speak Spanish. Join the conversation.

Stock photo of spanish literature book - LGWith nearly a half-billion native speakers, Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world. It’s the primary language of 20 countries. Get in on the conversation as a Spanish language and literature major at Fordham, where you’ll become a fluent speaker, reader, and lover of Hispanic cultures.

In the Department of Languages and Cultures, you’ll study Spanish language, culture and literature—the focus of our program—from medieval through postmodern times. You’ll master grammar and usage—and develop a thorough understanding of Hispanic culture.

We draw on a long Jesuit tradition of scholarship on and respect for the world's diverse languages and cultures—and virtually all of them are in New York City. From cultural events to people on the streets, New York City is your classroom for learning French.

You’ll learn more than Spanish language and literature here. You’ll also study philosophy, theology, economics, mathematics, ethics, science, and the performing arts through Fordham’s common core curriculum, the centerpiece of our liberal arts education.

We want you to excel in your field—and as a human being.

  • As a Spanish language and literature major, you take 10 required courses.

    All literature courses are taught in Spanish, and you will be required to speak in Spanish in class discussions and oral presentations.

    We have two Language Learning Centers for solo studying or collaboration with classmates:

    • Language Learning Center at Rose Hill: a state-of-the-art, multi-use, interactive digital language laboratory with 54 self-contained computer stations equipped with the most up-to-date audio, recording, and film viewing technology.
    • Olga M. Ficarra/Francis J. Morison Language Laboratory at Lincoln Center: a multi-use, interactive, computer-based facility with 25 student work stations equipped with CD, audio, video, and DVD capabilities.

    We offer weekly tutoring in Spanish on both campuses.

    Study Abroad

    We highly encourage you to spend a summer, semester, or year abroad.

    We have two programs in Spain:

    • Spanish Language in Granada: spend a summer exploring one of the most beautiful cities in the world. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Granada is the hometown of Federico Garcia Lorca—and a center of flamenco culture.
    • Fordham in Granada: spend spring semester learning Spanish language and culture at the Centro de Lenguas Modernas of the University of Granada, in the lovely 16th-century Santa Cruz palace.

    Find many other ways to immerse yourself in Hispanic culture around the world through Fordham’s International and Study Abroad Program. Choose from a wide range of courses taught in Spanish.

    The student journal Por Granada publishes the students' final project of the course Spain in Context taught by Rafael Lamas, PhD, at Fordham in Granada.

    Chat with your classmates and increase your knowledge of Hispanic culture, education, and politics through events and lectures hosted by the student club Academia Hispania.

    Honor Societies

    • Sigma Delta Pi: our chapter of the national honor society for scholarship in Spanish language and literature hosts events, activities, and conversation.
    • Alpha Mu Gamma, the national collegiate foreign language honor society society, has an active chapter at Fordham (Gamma Beta). Every May it initiates outstanding students of Spanish, French, German, Russian, and Italian.
  • Spoken Spanish I and II
    Spanish Language and Literature
    The Spanish and New York City
    Gold, God and Glory
    Spain at War
    Modern Hispanic Literature
    Spain and Islam
    Caribbean Literature
    The Latin American Urban Chronicle
    Contemporary Peruvian Literature
    Cervantes and Don Quijote

  • You’ll graduate with advanced proficiency in speaking and writing in Spanish—as well as an extensive literary and cultural preparation—that will open doors to many careers. Wherever Spanish is spoken, there may be a role for you.

    Our graduates earn advanced degrees in graduate programs in:

    • Foreign Languages and Literature
    • Comparative Literature
    • International Affairs

    They attend professional schools in:

    • Law
    • Journalism
    • Social Work

    They work in as many fields as there are people speaking Spanish, including:

    • Finance
    • Publishing
    • Nonprofit

    Our career services tap Fordham’s ties with more than 3,500 companies. We offer:

    • Post-graduation career search
    • Resume development, Interviewing practice
    • Networking skill development
    • Hands-on case-study sessions with industry executives
    • Field-specific advising/coaching

    You also get access to our powerful (and Fordham-loyal) network of alumni, who want to see you succeed as they have.

Learn More About This Major

Visit the Department of Languages and Cultures