Contact Campus Ministry


Office Information

A group of people standing under a tree

Rose Hill

McShane Campus Center

CMCE Suite 215
Phone: 718-817-4500
Fax: 718-817-4505
[email protected]

Lincoln Center
Lowenstein 217
New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212-636-6267
Fax: 212-636-7212
[email protected]

Room 133
400 Westchester Ave.
West Harrison, NY 10604
Phone: 914-367-3420
Fax: 914-367-3421
[email protected]


Campus Ministry Staff


Executive and Rose Hill Staff


man posing in front of dealy hall

Rev. Jose Luis Salazar, SJ is in his eighth year as Executive Director of Campus Ministry. Residing with 120 First Year students in Loyola Hall has been a vital and enriching part of his priestly ministry. Lito wasn’t always a Jesuit. He worked for a decade as a chemical engineer for Royal Dutch Shell in Manila and in The Hague before entering religious life in London. He taught Theology at Xavier in Manhattan, at St. Peter’s Prep, and at St. Peter’s University in Jersey City. Lito completed his doctoral studies on Bernard Lonergan SJ in Nijmegen University in The Netherlands. When he gets away from campus, he visits family in NJ. (Warning: no jokes about which parkway exit!) Lito loves relaxing with family dogs Luna and Moose. 

Executive Director of Campus Ministry
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 718-817-4503
McShane Campus Center, CMCE 214

Available for: General Campus Ministry, Spiritual Direction, Post Graduate Volunteer Discernment, Sacramental Ministry (Reconciliation), Pastoral Counseling, Drop-In Ministry, Social Justice Advocacy, Priesthood Discernment.


A woman posing in front of the sea


Gil Severiano is starting her 22nd year! She is often found in the Campus Ministry office in the new McShane Campus Center with her amazing team of student interns. Together they help bring forth Campus Ministry events, programs, and ministries. Gil is passionate about advising Pedro Arrupe Volunteers alongside Carol Gibney. PAV provides opportunities for students to engage with the New York City community through direct service projects and have meaningful conversations about issues of our times. One of her favorite project is the annual Trick or Treat event for neighborhood children on campus and watching our students have fun with them. She is married to her high school sweetheart, Jorge, and is a proud mother of three humans (Lauren, Gabi GSB MS 21', and Alex FCRH 14') and a new puppy Millie. She loves traveling (especially Portugal and Italy), gardening, cooking, and entertaining! If you are in the new McShane Campus Center, come up to 215 and say hi!

Director of Campus Ministry Operations, Budget, and Community Engagement 
Email:[email protected]
Phone: 718-817-4502
McShane Campus Center, CMCE 215

Available for: General Campus Ministry, Social Justice Advocacy

Katie Anderson Kuo, as the Campus Minister for Liturgy, is a big fan of incense, hymns, and stained glass, but just as big a fan of finding God in unexpected places, whether it’s a quiet corner of the Botanical Gardens or the busy hum of Fordham Road. Katie has worked in ministry in a variety of settings: community organizing, accompanying and advocating for immigrants, coordinating disaster response teams, and, here at Fordham, working with student volunteers and leaders to coordinate prayerful, peaceful, and joyful Masses in our Church and chapels. She is also a resident minister for Walsh Hall, home of the Science Integrated Learning Community. She is most passionate about empowering students to discover their own spirituality, creativity, and wisdom. You can often find Katie in her Church basement lair —erm, office— but when she’s not there, she’s either creating a work of art, taking a walk with her family, or on a gustatory tour of the world. Katie grew up in “Small Wonder,” Delaware, home of farmstand peaches, winding hiking trails, and gorgeous beaches, and has trouble believing that she’s now been a New Yorker for ten years. She lives in the Bronx with her husband and their two tiny humans.

Associate Director of Campus Ministry for Liturgical Ministry
Email:[email protected]
Phone: 718-817-0588
University Church 01

Available for: General Campus Ministry, Post Graduate Volunteer Discernment, Drop-In Ministry, Social Justice Advocacy


Carol Gibney is beginning her 21st year working at Fordham in the Office of Campus Ministry. She is a native New Yorker who grew up in the Bronx and continues to reside in the lovely Riverdale community in the Bronx. In addition to directing retreats, offering pastoral ministry and various programs, she oversees a community engagement/service program called the Pedro Arrupe Volunteers, where she works with a student council to set up service opportunities and organize conversations and dialogues around issues of justice through the lens of faith. Carol also offers weekly Ignatian Spirituality and Yoga sessions, as she is a certified yoga teacher.  Carol works at both the Lincoln Center and Rose Hill campuses and declares her emphatic love of love!!

Director, Office of Campus Ministry Solidarity and Leadership
Email:[email protected]
Phone: 718-817-4518
McShane Campus Center, CMCE 213 & SL 20A (LC)

Available for: General Campus Ministry, Spiritual Direction, Post Graduate Volunteer Discernment, Pastoral Counseling, Drop-In Ministry, Social Justice Advocacy

Contact Information: Robert M

Mr. Robert Minotti began his tenure at Fordham in the Fall of 1990. He is the first full time director of liturgical music for the University Church and the founder of the Schola Cantorum, the first student led choir to participate at the 11:00 Mass at the Church. In addition to liturgical music, Robert directs the Fordham University Choir. Robert’s position at Fordham as a choral director’s “dream job.” As an organist, Robert is blessed that in 2012 the University showed its commitment to liturgical music by installing a world class new pipe organ -the Maior Dei Gloria Organ. When not making music Robert enjoys reading a good book, cooking (mostly Italian), gardening, and the opera.

Director of Campus Ministry for Liturgical Music
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 718-817-4504
Fax: 718-817-4505
McShane Campus Center, CMCE 215

Available For: General Campus Ministry, Organ Lessons.



Dr. Joan Cavanagh, PHD Senior Director for Spirituality and Solidarity. 

Joan has ministered to the faculty, students, and staff at all three of Fordham’s campuses. She loves helping people to find God in the midst of their ordinary lives and struggles. She feels it is a privilege to accompany students, faculty, and staff on their unique life journeys. Joan enjoys wearing many hats in her work. She serves as advisor and supports students in our faith-based student clubs and is always on the lookout for opportunities for Interfaith gatherings. She accompanies members of the community who have suffered the loss of a loved one as they work through their grief.  As a member of the LGBTQ+community, Joan is in a unique position to offer pastoral support to queer students.  She is available for pastoral conversations and spiritual direction with students, faculty and staff. Joan brings her energy, enthusiasm, and the wisdom gained from many years in Campus Ministry at Fordham. She looks forward to joining you on your journey! Please stop by and say hello!


Senior Director of Campus Ministry for Spiritual and Pastoral Ministries,                          

Director of Campus Ministry at Westchester Campus

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 914-367-3420
McShane Campus Center, CMCE 212 and Westchester 133

Available for: General Campus Ministry, Spiritual Direction, Pastoral Counseling, Bereavement, Prayer Services, LGBTQ Ministry, Presentations on Ignatian Spirituality, Post Graduate Volunteer Discernment.


woman smiling behind building

Stephanie Roddy, or Roddy as most people know her, is eager to work alongside this year's retreat leaders to accompany each and every student retreatant on their personal and spiritual journeys this year. Roddy works to create an intentional space in Fordham's Retreat House in Goshen, NY, that fosters connection, community, and reflection. When not on retreats, Roddy loves to read, make art, and connect with friends.  Roddy also serves as a Resident Minister and is an additional level of support for student living in the Residence Hall here at Fordham. Roddy hopes that you will join us on one of Fordham's Retreats this year!  Stop by the New McShane Campus Center to say hello!

Director of Spiritual Retreat Ministries
Email:[email protected]
Phone: 718-817-4539
McShane Campus Center, CMCE 232

Available For: General Campus Ministry, Social Justice Advocacy, Post Graduate Volunteer Discernment, and Drop-in Ministry

 Lincoln Center Staff



 CM Donna resized

Donna Lajoux has worked as the secretary of Campus Ministry Lincoln Centersince 2014.  She was born and raised in lower Manhattan's Chinatown and currently lives in the Bronx.  Donna has two beautiful daughters, the oldest who is a registered nurse, and the youngest who works in finance and recently earned a masters from Fordham's Gabelli School of Business.  Donna loves being part of the Fordham Family.

Executive Secretary
Email:[email protected]
Phone: 212-636-6267
Lowenstein 217

 Contact Information: Erin

Erin Hoffman is starting her 12th year at Fordham!  She lives with her family in McMahon hall at Fordham Lincoln Center, where her main goal is to help students thrive during their time at Fordham.  She facilitates Campus Ministry initiatives and partnerships for LC, which include interfaith initiatives, social justice conversations and programs, liturgy and spirituality events, and peer ministry, among others.  Erin loves all things, well, most things, politics and won't shy away from an opportunity to have an engaging conversation about current events, social justice, and civic engagement (vote!).  Perhaps this comes from her background studying international politics and foreign policy in college or social work with a global practice focus in graduate school.  Erin is a proud (and tired) mom to 3 young kids who are very excited to have students return to McMahon hall and delight in saying hi to everyone they meet.  If you find one of them wandering solo on campus, please return to Campus Ministry or McMahon 6G!

Director of Campus Ministry for Lincoln Center
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 212-636-6318
Lowenstein 217A

Available for: General Campus Ministry, Post Graduate Volunteer Discernment, Pastoral Counseling, Drop-In Ministry, Social Justice Advocacy.

A man posing in front of keating hall

Robert J. Parmach, Ph.D. serves as the inaugural director of Ignatian mission and ministry in the office of the vice president for mission integration and ministry at Fordham University, where he also teaches philosophy and theology. He is a native New Yorker, Rob graduated from Xavier High School, earned the BA in philosophy with classics distinction from Fairfield University where he ran cross-country and track and his MA and PhD from Fordham University. He started his career in student affairs as a counselor anf peer educator before becoming an academic dean of first-year students at Fordham College at Rose Hill where he served as faculty director of its Manresa Scholars integrated learning community for first year students and coordinator of the sophmore West Wing Ignatian leadership program. Rob's teaching and scholarship highlight practical applications philosophy, theology, and Jesuit education. He has served on the student life committee of Xavier High School and advisory board of Contemplative Leaders in Acrions of the USA East Province of the Society of Jesus. For twenty-five years now, during the first week in June, Rob along with Fordham students and young alumni participate in Fordham's Global Outreach project at Camp Friendship, an apostolate for foster children in rural Mississiooi. Rob's role focuses on helping our Fordham community to better understand, value, and engage our Ignatian and Jesuit charism in all we do

Director of Ignatian Mission and Ministry

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 212-636-6268

Lowenstein 219

Available for: Jesuit education and pedagogy, Ignatian spirituality programming, discernment, workshops/presentations, University mission representation

Our Interns

CM Intern Melvin Martinez

Melvin Martinez is a senior majoring in Engineering Physics at FCRH. He is a Bronx native and commutes everyday to school with the help of his legs. On campus, he is constantly participating in various Campus Ministry projects and events, as well as practicing for performances with Candela, Fordham’s Latinx Dance Team. He loves playing the bass guitar and his 12-string guitar in his downtime, as well as playing soccer or thrifting in the city too. If you ever want to discuss science, music, hidden gems around the city to visit, or how to get involved on campus, please feel free to reach out to him!

James Haddad is a senior who is majoring in finance. This is his second year working in the office of Campus Ministry, and it’s been a great experience for him! As he says, "I've made new friends, gone on retreats, and volunteered with awesome groups of people."








Student Intern at Campus Ministry JONATHAN

Jonathan Fong is a senior at FCRH majoring in International Political Economy and Philosophy with a minor in Theology. This is his second year as Sacristan and first year as Sacramental Coordinator. He is excited to help minister to students, and create an environment of hospitality and accompaniment in the University Church.






Student Intern at Campus Ministry JENN

Jennifer Perez is a junior at FCRH majoring in biology on the pre-vet track. She loves spending her time helping PAUS to raise funds for underprivileged animals. She is volunteering at animal shelters in her spare time, and catching up on comedies or romcoms whenever she can. She enjoys her time at Campus Ministry as it helps expand her emotionally by bringing her out of her introverted mind. Campus Ministry has become a safe place, and she believes anyone who enters CM will feel the same!


Will, an intern for campus ministry wears ram costume

Will Gualtiere is a senior at FCLC double majoring in Film and TV and English. Will has been involved with Campus Ministry programs since his freshman year of high school and now participates in Fordham’s CM activities as a retreat leader as well as a new Peer Minister. Outside of CM, Will is a student ambassador and tour guide for Fordham and is also is on the Splinter Musical Theater club’s E-Board. Off campus Will spends his weekends often attending a Broadway show, volunteering at Xavier Mission, or on some weekends even camping for SNL tickets! Will can’t wait to begin his work with CM and get better acquainted with this great community!