Vasco da Gama was born about 1460 at Sines, Portugal. Both Prince John and Prince
Manuel continued the efforts of Prince Henry to find a sea route to India, and in 1497
Manuel placed Vasco da Gama, who already had some reputation as a warrior and navigator,
in charge of four vessels built especially for the expedition. They set sail July 8, 1497,
rounded the Cape of Good Hope four months later, and reached Calicut May 20, 1498. The
Moors in Calicut instigated the Zamorin of Calicut against him, and he was compelled to
return with the bare discovery and the few spices he had bought there at inflated prices
[but still he made a 3000% profit!]. A force left by a second expedition under Cabral (who
discovered Brazil by sailing too far west), left behind some men in a "factory"
or trading station, but these were killed by the Moors in revenge for Cabral's attacks on
Arab shipping in the Indian Ocean. Vasco da Gama was sent on a mission of vengeance in
1502, he bombarded Calicut (virtually destroying the port), and returned with great spoil.
His expedition turned the commerce of Europe from the Mediterranean cities to the Atlantic
Coast, and opened up the east to European enterprise.
The Bay of St. Helena [on the west coast of the present country of South Africa].
On Tuesday (November 7) we returned to the land, which we found to be low, with a broad
bay opening into it. The captain-major [i.e., da Gama speaking in the third person] sent
Pero d'Alenquer in a boat to take soundings and to search for good anchoring ground. The
bay was found to be very clean, and to afford shelter against all winds except those from
the N.W. It extended east and west, and we named it Santa Helena.
On Wednesday (November 8) we cast anchor in this bay, and we remained there eight days,
cleaning the ships, mending the sails, and taking in wood. The river Samtiagua (S. Thiago)
enters the bay four leagues to the S.E. of the anchorage. It comes from the interior
(sertao), is about a stone's throw across at the mouth, and from two to three fathoms in
depth at all states of the tide.
The inhabitants of this country are tawny-colored. Their food is confined to the flesh
of seals, whales and gazelles, and the roots of herbs. They are dressed in skins, and wear
sheaths over their virile members. They are armed with poles of olive wood to which a
horn, browned in the fire, is attached. Their numerous dogs resemble those of Portugal,
and bark like them. The birds of the country, likewise, are the same as in Portugal, and
include cormorants, gulls, turtle doves, crested larks, and many others. The climate is
healthy and temperate, and produces good herbage. On the day after we had cast anchor,
that is to say on Thursday (November 9), we landed with the captain-major, and made
captive one of the natives, who was small of stature like Sancho Mexia. This man had been
gathering honey in the sandy waste, for in this country the bees deposit their honey at
the foot of the mounds around the bushes. He was taken on board the captain-major's ship,
and being placed at table he ate of all we ate. On the following day the captain-major had
him well dressed and sent ashore.
On the following day (November 10) fourteen or fifteen natives came to where our ship
lay. The captain-major landed and showed them a variety of merchandise, with the view of
finding out whether such things were to be found in their country. This merchandise
included cinnamon, cloves, seed-pearls, gold, and many other things, but it was evident
that they had no knowledge whatever of such articles, and they were consequently given
round bells and tin rings. This happened on Friday, and the like took place on Saturday.
On Sunday (November 12) about forty or fifty natives made their appearance, and having
dined, we landed, and in exchange for the ‡eitils with which we came provided, we
obtained shells, which they wore as ornaments in their ears, and which looked as if they
had been plated, and foxtails attached to a handle, with which they fanned their faces.
The captain-major also acquired for one ‡eitil one of the sheaths which they wore
over their members, and this seemed to show that they valued copper very highly; indeed,
they wore small beads of that metal in their ears.
On that day Fernao Velloso, who was with the captain-major, expressed a great desire to
be permitted to accompany the natives to their houses, so that he might find out how they
lived and what they ate. The captain-major yielded to his importunities, and allowed him
to accompany them, and when we returned to the captain-major's vessel to sup, he went away
with the negroes. Soon after they had left us they caught a seal, and when they came to
the foot of a hill in a barren place they roasted it, and gave some of it to Fernao
Velloso, as also some of the roots which they eat. After this meal they expressed a desire
that he should not accompany them any further, but return to the vessels. When Fernao
Velloso came abreast of the vessels he began to shout, the negroes keeping in the bush.
We were still at supper; but when his shouts were heard the captain-major rose at once,
and so did we others, and we entered a sailing boat. The negroes then began running along
the beach, and they came as quickly up with Fernao Velloso as we did, and when we
endeavored to get him into the boat they threw their assegais, and wounded the
captain-major and three or four others. All this happened because we looked upon these
people as men of little spirit, quite incapable of violence, and had therefore landed
without first arming ourselves. We then returned to the ships.
Rounding the Cape. At daybreak of Thursday the 16th of November, having careened our
ships and taken in woods we set sail. At that time we did not know how far we might be
abaft the Cape of Good Hope. Pero d'Alenquer thought the distance about thirty leagues,
but he was not certain, for on his return voyage (when with B. Dias) he had left the Cape
in the morning and had gone past this bay with the wind astern, whilst on the outward
voyage he had kept at sea, and was therefore unable to identify the locality where we now
were. We therefore stood out towards S.S.W., and late on Saturday (November 18) we beheld
the Cape. On that same day we again stood out to sea, returning to the land in the course
of the night. On Sunday morning, November 19, we once more made for the Cape, but were
again unable to round it, for the wind blew from the S.S.W., whilst the Cape juts out
towards S.W.. We then again stood out to sea, returning to the land on Monday night. At
last, on Wednesday (November 22), at noon, having the wind astern, we succeeded in
doubling the Cape, and then ran along the coast. To the south of this Cape of Good Hope,
and close to it, a vast bay, six leagues broad at its mouth, enters about six leagues into
the land.
Calicut. [Arrival.] That night (May 20) we anchored two leagues from the city of
Calicut, and we did so because our pilot mistook Capna, a town at that place, for Calicut.
Still further there is another town called Pandarani. We anchored about a league and a
half from the shore. After we were at anchor, four boats (almadias) approached us from the
land, who asked of what nation we were. We told them, and they then pointed out Calicut to
On the following day (May 22) these same boats came again alongside, when the
captain-major sent one of the convicts to Calicut, and those with whom he went took him to
two Moors from Tunis, who could speak Castilian and Genoese. The first greeting that he
received was in these words: "May the Devil take thee! What brought you hither?"
They asked what he sought so far away from home, and he told them that we came in search
of Christians and of spices. They said: "Why does not the King of Castile, the King
of France, or the Signoria of Venice send thither?" He said that the King of Portugal
would not consent to their doing so, and they said he did the right thing. After this
conversation they took him to their lodgings and gave him wheaten bread and honey. When he
had eaten he returned to the ships, accompanied by one of the Moors, who was no sooner on
board, than he said these words: "A lucky venture, a lucky venture! Plenty of rubies,
plenty of emeralds! You owe great thanks to God, for having brought you to a country
holding such riches!" We were greatly astonished to hear his talk, for we never
expected to hear our language spoken so far away from Portugal.[
The city of Calicut is inhabited by Christians. [The first voyagers to India mistook
the Hindus for Christians.] They are of tawny complexion. Some of them have big beards and
long hair, whilst others clip their hair short or shave the head, merely allowing a tuft
to remain on the crown as a sign that they are Christians. They also wear moustaches. They
pierce the ears and wear much gold in them. They go naked down to the waist, covering
their lower extremities with very fine cotton stuffs. But it is only the most respectable
who do this, for the others manage as best they are able. The women of this country, as a
rule, are ugly and of small stature. They wear many jewels of gold round the neck,
numerous bracelets on their arms, and rings set with precious stones on their toes. All
these people are well-disposed and apparently of mild temper. At first sight they seem
covetous and ignorant.
When we arrived at Calicut the king was fifteen leagues away. The captain-major sent
two men to him with a message, informing him that an ambassador had arrived from the King
of Portugal with letters, and that if he desired it he would take them to where the king
then was. The king presented the bearers of this message with much fine cloth. He sent
word to the captain-major bidding him welcome, saying that he was about to proceed to
Calicut. As a matter of fact, he started at once with a large retinue. A pilot accompanied
our two men, with orders to take us to a place called Pandarani, below the place (Capna)
where we anchored at first. At this time we were actually in front of the city of Calicut.
We were told that the anchorage at the place to which we were to go was good, whilst at
the place we were then it was bad, with a stony bottom, which was quite true; and,
moreover, that it was customary for the ships which came to this country to anchor there
for the sake of safety. We ourselves did not feel comfortable, and the captain-major had
no sooner received this royal message than he ordered the sails to be set, and we
departed. We did not, however, anchor as near the shore as the king's pilot desired.
When we were at anchor, a message arrived informing the captain-major that the king was
already in the city. At the same time the king sent a bale, with other men of distinction,
to Pandarani, to conduct the captain-major to where the king awaited him. This bale is
like an alcaide, and is always attended by two hundred men armed with swords and bucklers.
As it was late when this message arrived, the captain-major deferred going.
On the following morning, which was Monday, May 28th, the captain-major set out to
speak to the king, and took with him thirteen men. On landing, the captain-major was
received by the alcaide, with whom were many men, armed and unarmed. The reception was
friendly, as if the people were pleased to see us, though at first appearances looked
threatening, for they carried naked swords in their hands. A palanquin was provided for
the captain-major, such as is used by men of distinction in that country, as also by some
of the merchants, who pay something to the king for this privilege. The captain-major
entered the palanquin, which was carried by six men by turns. Attended by all these people
we took the road of Calicut, and came first to another town, called Capna. The
captain-major was there deposited at the house of a man of rank, whilst we others were
provided with food, consisting of rice, with much butter, and excellent boiled fish. The
captain-major did not wish to eat, and as we had done so, we embarked on a river close by,
which flows between the sea end the mainland, close to the coast. The two boats in which
we embarked were lashed together, so that we were not separated. There were numerous other
boats, all crowded with people. As to those who were on the banks I say nothing; their
number was infinite, and they had all come to see us. We went up that river for about a
league, and saw many large ships drawn up high and dry on its banks, for there is no port
When we disembarked, the captain-major once more entered his palanquin. The road was
crowded with a countless multitude anxious to see us. Even the women came out of their
houses with children in their arms and followed us. When we arrived (at Calicut) they took
us to a large church, and this is what we saw: The body of the church is as large as a
monastery, all built of hewn stone and covered with tiles. At the main entrance rises a
pillar of bronze as high as a mast, on the top of which was perched a bird, apparently a
cock. In addition to this, there was another pillar as high as a man, and very stout. In
the center of the body of the church rose a chapel, all built of hewn stone, with a bronze
door sufficiently wide for a man to pass, and stone steps leading up to it. Within this
sanctuary stood a small image which they said represented Our Lady. Along the walls, by
the main entrance, hung seven small bells. In this church the captain-major said his
prayers, and we with him.
We did not go within the chapel, for it is the custom that only certain servants of the
church, called quafees, should enter. These quafees wore some threads passing over the
left shoulder and under the right arm, in the same manner as our deacons wear the stole.
They threw holy water over us, and gave us some white earth, which the Christians of this
country are in the habit of putting on their foreheads, breasts, around the neck, and on
the forearms. They threw holy water upon the captain-major and gave him some of the earth,
which he gave in charge of someone, giving them to understand that he would put it on
later. Many other saints were painted on the walls of the church, wearing crowns. They
were painted variously, with teeth protruding an inch from the mouth, and four or five
arms. Below this church there was a large masonry tank, similar to many others which we
had seen along the road.
After we had left that place, and had arrived at the entrance to the city (of Calicut)
we were shown another church, where we saw things like those described above. Here the
crowd grew so dense that progress along the street became next to impossible, and for this
reason they put the captain-major into a house, and us with him. The king sent a brother
of the bale, who was a lord of this country, to accompany the captain-major, and he was
attended by men beating drums, blowing arafils and bagpipes, and firing off matchlocks. In
conducting the captain-major they showed us much respect, more than is shown in Spain to a
king. The number of people was countless, for in addition to those who surrounded us, and
among whom there were two thousand armed men, they crowded the roofs and houses.
The further we advanced in the direction of the king's palace, the more did they
increase in number. And when we arrived there, men of much distinction and great lords
came out to meet the captain-major, and joined those who were already in attendance upon
him. It was then an hour before sunset. When we reached the palace we passed through a
gate into a courtyard of great size, and before we arrived at where the king was, we
passed four doors, through which we had to force our way, giving many blows to the people.
When, at last, we reached the door where the king was, there came forth from it a little
old man, who holds a position resembling that of a bishop, and whose advice the king acts
upon in all affairs of the church. This man embraced the captain-major when he entered the
door. Several men were wounded at this door, and we only got in by the use of much force.
May 28. The king was in a small court, reclining upon a couch covered with a cloth of
green velvet, above which was a good mattress, and upon this again a sheet of cotton
stuff, very white and fine, more so than any linen. The cushions were after the same
fashion. In his left hand the king held a very large golden cup (spittoon), having a
capacity of half an almude (8 pints). At its mouth this cup was two palmas (16 inches)
wide, and apparently it was massive. Into this cup the king threw the husks of a certain
herb which is chewed by the people of this country because of its soothing effects, and
which they call atambor. On the right side of the king stood a basin of gold, so large
that a man might just encircle it with his arms: this contained the herbs. There were
likewise many silver jugs. The canopy above the couch was all gilt.
The captain-major, on entering, saluted in the manner of the country: by putting the
hands together, then raising them towards Heaven, as is done by Christians when addressing
God, and immediately afterwards opening them and shutting fists quickly. The king beckoned
to the captain-major with his right hand to come nearer, but the captain-major did not
approach him, for it is the custom of the country for no man to approach the king except
only the servant who hands him the herbs, and when anyone addresses the king he holds his
hand before the mouth, and remains at a distance. When the king beckoned to the
captain-major he looked at the others [i.e., da Gama's men], and ordered them to be seated
on a stone bench near him, where he could see them. He ordered that water for their hands
should be given them, as also some fruit, one kind of which resembled a melon, except that
its outside was rough and the inside sweet, whilst another kind of fruit resembled a fig,
and tasted very nice. There were men who prepared these fruits for them; and the king
looked at them eating, and smiled; and talked to the servant who stood near him supplying
him with the herbs referred to.
Then, throwing his eyes on the captain-major, who sat facing him, he invited him to
address himself to the courtiers present, saying they were men of much distinction, that
he could tell them whatever he desired to say, and they would repeat it to him (the king).
The captain-major replied that he was the ambassador of the King of Portugal, and the
bearer of a message which he could only deliver to him personally. The king said this was
good, and immediately asked him to be conducted to a chamber. When the captain-major had
entered, the king, too, rose and joined him, whilst the rest remained where they were. All
this happened about sunset. An old man who was in the court took away the couch as soon as
the king rose, but allowed the plate to remain. The king, when he joined the
captain-major, threw himself upon another couch, covered with various stuffs embroidered
in gold, and asked the captain-major what he wanted.
And the captain-major told him he was the ambassador of a King of Portugal, who was
Lord of many countries and the possessor of great wealth of every description, exceeding
that of any king of these parts; that for a period of sixty years his ancestors had
annually sent out vessels to make discoveries in the direction of India, as they knew that
there were Christian kings there like themselves. This, he said, was the reason which
induced them to order this country to be discovered, not because they sought for gold or
silver, for of this they had such abundance that they needed not what was to be found in
this country. He further stated that the captains sent out traveled for a year or two,
until their provisions were exhausted, and then returned to Portugal, without having
succeeded in making the desired discovery. There reigned a king now whose name was Dom
Manuel, who had ordered him to build three vessels, of which he had been appointed
captain-major, and who had ordered him not to return to Portugal until he should have
discovered this King of the Christians, on pain of having his head cut off. That two
letters had been intrusted to him to be presented in case he succeeded in discovering him,
and that he would do so on the ensuing day; and, finally, he had been instructed to say by
word of mouth that he [the King of Portugal] desired to be his friend and brother.
In reply to this the king said that he was welcome; that, on his part, he held him as a
friend and brother, and would send ambassadors with him to Portugal. This latter had been
asked as a favor, the captain-major pretending that he would not dare to present himself
before his king and master unless he was able to present, at the same time, some men of
this country. These and many other things passed between the two in this chamber, and as
it was already late in the night, the king asked the captain-major with whom he desired to
lodge, with Christians or with Moors ? And the captain-major replied, neither with
Christians nor with Moors, and begged as a favor that he be given a lodging by himself.
The king said he would order it thus, upon which the captain-major took leave of the king
and came to where the men were, that is, to a veranda lit up by a huge candlestick. By
that time four hours of the night had already gone.
The captain-major went on the back of six men [in a palanquin], and the time occupied
in passing through the city was so long that the captain-major at last grew tired, and
complained to the king's factor, a Moor of distinction, who attended him to the lodgings.
The Moor then took him to his own house, and we were admitted to a court within it, where
there was a veranda roofed in with tiles. Many carpets had been spread, and there were two
large candlesticks like those at the Royal palace. At the top of each of these were great
iron lamps, fed with oil or butter, and each lamp had four wicks, which gave much light.
These lamps they use instead of torches.
This same Moor then had a horse brought for the captain-major to take him to his
lodgings, but it was without a saddle, and the captain-major refused to mount it. We then
started for our lodgings, and when we arrived we found there some of our men [who had come
from the ships] with the captain-major's bed, and with numerous other things which the
captain-major had brought as presents for the king.
On Tuesday, May 29, the captain-major got ready the following things to be sent to the
king, viz., twelve pieces of lambel, four scarlet hoods, six hats, four strings of coral,
a case containing six wash-hand basins, a case of sugar, two casks of oil, and two of
honey. And as it is the custom not to send anything to the king without the knowledge of
the Moor, his factor, and of the bale, the captain-major informed them of his intention.
They came, and when they saw the present they laughed at it, saying that it was not a
thing to offer to a king, that the poorest merchant from Mecca, or any other part of
India, gave more, and that if he wanted to make a present it should be in gold, as the
king would not accept such things. When the captain-major heard this he grew sad, and said
that he had brought no gold, that, moreover, he was no merchant, but an ambassador; that
he gave of that which he had, which was his own private gift and not the king's; that if
the King of Portugal ordered him to return he would intrust him with far richer presents;
and that if King Camolim would not accept these things he would send them back to the
ships. Upon this they declared that they would not forward his presents, nor consent to
his forwarding them himself. When they had gone there came certain Moorish merchants, and
they all depreciated the present which the captain-major desired to be sent to the king.
When the captain-major saw that they were determined not to forward his present, he
said, that as they would not allow him to send his present to the palace he would go to
speak to the king, and would then return to the ships. They approved of this, and told him
that if he would wait a short time they would return and accompany him to the palace. And
the captain-major waited all day, but they never came back. The captain-major was very
wroth at being among so phlegmatic and unreliable a people, and intended, at first, to go
to the palace without them. On further consideration, however, he thought it best to wait
until the following day. The men diverted themselves, singing and dancing to the sound of
trumpets, and enjoyed themselves much.
May 30. On Wednesday morning the Moors returned, and took the captain-major to the
palace. The palace was crowded with armed men. Our captain-major was kept waiting with his
conductors for fully four long hours, outside a door, which was only opened when the king
sent word to admit him, attended by two men only, whom he might select. The captain-major
said that he desired to have Fernao Martins with him, who could interpret, and his
secretary. It seemed to him that this separation portended no good. When he had entered,
the king said that he had expected him on Tuesday. The captain-major said that the long
road had tired him, and that for this reason he had not come to see him. The king then
said that he had told him that he came from a very rich kingdom, and yet had brought him
nothing; that he had also told him that he was the bearer of a letter, which had not yet
been delivered. To this the captain-major rejoined that he had brought nothing, because
the object of his voyage was merely to make discoveries, but that when other ships came he
would then see what they brought him; as to the letter, it was true that he had brought
one, and would deliver it immediately.
The king then asked what it was he had come to discover: stones or men? If he came to
discover men, as he said, why had he brought nothing? Moreover, he had been told that he
carried with him the golden image of a Santa Maria. The captain-major said that the Santa
Maria was not of gold, and that even if she were he would not part with her, as she had
guided him across the ocean, and would guide him back to his own country. The king then
asked for the letter. The captain-major said that he begged as a favor, that as the Moors
wished him ill and might misinterpret him, a Christian able to speak Arabic should be sent
for. The king said this was well, and at once sent for a young man, of small stature,
whose name was Quaram. The captain-major then said that he had two letters, one written in
his own language and the other in that of the Moors; that he was able to read the former,
and knew that it contained nothing but what would prove acceptable; but that as to the
other he was unable to read it, and it might be good, or contain something that was
erroneous. As the Christian was unable to read Moorish, four Moors took the letter and
read it between them, after which they translated it to the king, who was well satisfied
with its contents.
The king then asked what kind of merchandise was to be found in his country. The
captain-major said there was much corn, cloth, iron, bronze, and many other things. The
king asked whether he had any merchandise with him. The captain-major replied that he had
a little of each sort, as samples, and that if permitted to return to the ships he would
order it to be landed, and that meantime four or five men would remain at the lodgings
assigned them. The king said no! He might take all his people with him, securely moor his
ships, land his merchandise, and sell it to the best advantage. Having taken leave of the
king the captain-major returned to his lodgings, and we with him. As it was already late
no attempt was made to depart that night.
May 31. On Thursday morning a horse without a saddle was brought to the captain-major,
who declined to mount it, asking that a horse of the country, that is a palanquin, might
be provided, as he could not ride a horse without a saddle. He was then taken to the house
of a wealthy merchant of the name of Guzerate, who ordered a palanquin to be got ready. On
its arrival the captain-major started at once for Pandarani, where our ships were, many
people following him. The others, not being able to keep up with him, were left behind.
Trudging thus along they were overtaken by the bale, who passed on to join the
captain-major. When they reached Pandarani they found the captain-major inside a
resthouse, of which there were many along the road, so that travelers and wayfarers might
find protection against the rain.
May 31 to June 2. The bale and many others were with the captain-major. On our arrival
the captain-major asked the bale for an almadia, so that we might go to our ships; but the
bale and the others said that it was already late---in fact, the sun had set---and that he
should go next day. The captain-major said that unless he provided an almadia he would
return to the king, who had given orders to take him back to the ships, whilst they tried
to detain him---a very bad thing, as he was a Christian like themselves. When they saw the
dark looks of the captain-major they said he was at liberty to depart at once, and that
they would give him thirty almadias if he needed them. They then took us along the beach,
and as it seemed to the captain-major that they harbored some evil design, he sent three
men in advance, with orders that in case they found the ship's boats and his brother, to
tell him to conceal himself. They went, and finding nothing, turned back; but as we had
been taken in another direction we did not meet.
They then took us to the house of a Moor---for it was already far in the night---and
when we got there they told us they would go in search of the three men who had not yet
returned. When they were gone, the captain-major ordered fowls and rice to be purchased,
and we ate, notwithstanding our fatigue, having been all day on our legs. Those who had
gone in search of the three men only returned in the morning, and the captain-major said
that after all they seemed well disposed towards us, and had acted with the best
intentions when they objected to our departure the day before. On the other hand we
suspected them on account of what had happened at Calicut, and looked upon them as
When they returned [June 1] the captain-major again asked for boats to take him to his
ships. They then began to whisper among themselves, and said that we should have them if
we would order our vessels to come nearer the shore. The captain-major said that if he
ordered his vessels to approach his brother would think that he was being held a prisoner,
and would hoist the sails and return to Portugal. They said that if we refused to order
the ships to come nearer we should not be permitted to embark. The captain-major that said
King Camolin had sent him back to his ships, and that as they would not let him go, as
ordered by the king, he should return to the king, who was a Christian like himself. If
the king would not let him go, and wanted him to remain in his country, he would do so
with much pleasure. They agreed that he should be permitted to go, but afforded him no
opportunity for doing so, for they immediately closed all the doors, and many armed men
entered to guard us, none of us being allowed to go outside without being accompanied by
several of these guards. They then asked us to give up our sails and rudders. The captain
declared that he would give up none of these things: King Camolin having unconditionally
ordered him to return to his ships, they might do with him whatever they liked, but he
would give up nothing.
The captain-major and we others felt very down-hearted, though outwardly we pretended
not to notice what they did. The captain-major said that as they refused him permission to
go back, they would at least allow his men to do so, as at the place they were in they
would die of hunger. But they said that we must remain where we were, and that if we died
of hunger we must bear it, as they cared nothing for that. Whilst thus detained, one of
the men whom we had missed the night before turned up. He told the captain-major that
Nicolau Coelho had been awaiting him with the boats since last night. When the
captain-major heard this he sent a man away secretly to Nicolau Coelho, because of the
guards by whom we were surrounded, with orders to go back to the ships and place them in a
secure place. Nicolau Coelho, on receipt of this message, departed forthwith. But our
guards having information of what was going on, at once launched a large number of
almadias and pursued him for a short distance. When they found that they could not
overtake him they returned to the captain-major, whom they asked to write a letter to his
brother, requesting him to bring the ships nearer to the land and further within the port.
The captain-major said he was quite willing, but that his brother would not do this; and
that even if he consented those who were with him, not being willing to die, would not do
so. But they asked how this could be, as they knew well that any order he gave would be
obeyed. The captain-major did not wish the ships to come within the port, for it seemed to
him---as it did to us---that once inside they could easily be captured, after which they
would first kill him, and us others, as we were already in their power.
We passed all that day most anxiously. At night more people surrounded us than ever
before, and we were no longer allowed to walk in the compound, within which we were, but
confined within a small tiled court, with a multitude of people around us. We quite
expected that on the following day we should be separated, or that some harm would befall
us, for we noticed that our jailers were much annoyed with us. This, however, did not
prevent our making a good supper off the things found in the village. Throughout that
night we were guarded by over a hundred men, all armed with swords, two-edged battle-axes,
shields, and bows and arrows. Whilst some of these slept, others kept guard, each taking
his turn of duty throughout the night.