Modern History Sourcebook:
Mao Zedong (1893-1976):
Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan, March 1927
Mao was a a Hunanese peasant and became one of the founding members of the Chinese
Communist Party in 1921. Other founders had tended to be more exposed to western ideas,
and hence, as Marxists, to value the industrial working class. The problem in China, as in
much of the world, was that the oppressed poor were peasants rather than industrial
workers. Classical Marxism encouraged Communists to work for the development of Industrial
society. Mao became an active rural organizer and promoted the idea that peasants rather
than workers create revolution. .The Importance of the Peasant ProblemDuring my recent visit to Hunan I made a first-hand investigation of conditions in
the five counties of Hsiangtan, Hsianghsiang, Hengshan, Liling and Changsha. In the
thirty-two days from January 4 to February 5, I called together fact-finding conferences
in villages and country towns, which were attended by experienced peasants and by comrades
working in the peasant movement, and I listened attentively to their reports and collected
a great deal of material. Many of the hows and whys of the peasant movement were the exact
opposite of what the gentry in Hankow and Changsha are saying. I saw and heard of many
strange things of which I had hitherto been unaware. I believe the same is true of many
other places, too. All talk directed against the peasant movement must be speedily set
right. All the wrong measures taken by the revolutionary authorities concerning the
peasant movement must be speedily changed. Only thus can the future of the revolution be
benefited. For the present upsurge of the peasant movement is a colossal event. In a very
short time, in China's central, southern and northern provinces, several hundred million
peasants will rise like a mighty storm, like a hurricane, a force so swift and violent
that no power, however great, will be able to hold it back. They will smash all the
trammels' that bind them and rush forward along the road to liberation. They will sweep
all the imperialists, warlords, corrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry into
their graves. Every revolutionary party and every revolutionary comrade will be put to the
test, to be accepted or rejected as they decide. There are three alternatives. To march at
their head and lead them? To trail behind them, gesticulating and criticizing? Or to stand
in their way and oppose them? Every Chinese is free to choose, but events will force you
to make the choice quickly.Down With the Local Tyrants and Evil Gentry! All Power to the Peasant Associations!The main targets of attack by the peasants are the local tyrants, the evil gentry
and the lawless landlords, but in passing they also hit out against patriarchal ideas and
institutions, against the corrupt officials in the cities and against bad practices and
customs in the rural areas. In force and momentum the attack is tempestuous; those who bow
before it survive and those who resist perish. As a result, the privileges which the
feudal landlords enjoyed for thousands of years are being shattered to pieces. Every bit
of the dignity and prestige built up by the landlords is being swept into the dust. With
the collapse of the power of the landlords, the peasant associations have now become the
sole organs of authority and the popular slogan "all power to the peasant
associations" has become a reality. Even trifles such as a quarrel between husband
and wife are brought to the peasant association. Nothing can be settled unless someone
from the peasant association is present. The association actually dictates all rural
affairs, and, quite literally, "whatever it says, goes." Those who are outside
the associations can only speak well of them and cannot say anything against them. The
local tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords have been deprived of all right to speak,
and none of them dares even mutter dissent. In the face of the peasant associations' power
and pressure, the top local tyrants and evil gentry have fled to Shanghai, those of the
second rank to Hankow, those of the third to Changsha and those of the fourth to the
county towns, while the fifth rank and the still lesser fry surrender to the peasant
associations in the villages."Here's ten yuan. [note: a currency unit] Please let me join the peasant
association," one of the smaller of the evil gentry will say."Ugh! Who wants your filthy money?" the peasants reply.Many middle and small landlords and rich peasants and even some middle peasants, who
were all formerly opposed to the peasant associations, are now vainly seeking admission.
Visiting various places, I often came across such people who pleaded with me, "Mr.
Committeeman from the provincial capital, please be my sponsor!"In the Ching Dynasty, the household census compiled by the local authorities consisted
of a regular register and "the other" register, the former for honest people and
the latter for burglars, bandits and similar undesirables. In some places the peasants now
use this method to scare those who formerly opposed the associations. They say, "Put
their names down in the other register!"Afraid of being entered in the other register, such people try various devices to gain
admission into the peasant associations, on which their minds are so set that they do not
feel safe until their names are entered. But more often than not they are turned down
flat, and so they are always on tenterhooks; with the doors of the association barred to
them, they are like tramps without a home or, in rural parlance,---mere trash." In
short, what was looked down upon four months ago as a "gang of peasants" has now
become a most honourable institution. Those who formerly prostrated themselves before the
power of the gentry now bow before the power of the peasants. No matter what their
identity, all admit that the world since last October is a different one."It's Terrible! '' or ''It's Fine! "The peasants' revolt disturbed the gentry's sweet dreams. When the news from the
countryside reached the cities, it caused immediate uproar among the gentry. Soon after my
arrival in Changsha, I met all sorts of people and picked up a good deal of gossip. From
the middle social strata upwards to the Kuomintang [note: the Chinese Nationalist Party]
right-wingers, there was not a single person who did not sum up the whole business in the
phrase, "It's terrible!" Under the impact of the views of the "It's
terrible!" school then flooding the city, even quite revolutionary-minded people
became down-hearted as they pictured the events in the countryside in their mind's eye;
and they were unable to deny the word "terrible." Even quite progressive people
said, "Though terrible, it is inevitable in a revolution." In short, nobody
could altogether deny the word "terrible." But, as already mentioned, the fact
is that the great peasant masses have risen to fulfil their historic mission and that the
forces of rural democracy have risen to overthrow the forces of rural feudalism. The
patriarchal-feudal class of local tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords has formed
the basis of autocratic government for thousands of years and is the cornerstone of
imperialism, warlordism and corrupt officialdom. To overthrow these feudal forces is the
real objective of the national revolution. In a few months the peasants have accomplished
what Dr. Sun Yat sen wanted, but failed, to accomplish in the forty years he devoted to
the national revolution. This is a marvellous feat never before achieved, not just in
forty, but in thousands of years. It's fine. It is not "terrible" at all. It is
anything but "terrible." "It's terrible!" is obviously a theory for
combating the rise of the peasants in the interests of the landlords; it is obviously a
theory of the landlord class for preserving the old order of feudalism and obstructing the
establishment of the new order of democracy, it is obviously a counter-revolutionary
theory. No revolutionary comrade should echo this nonsense. If your revolutionary
viewpoint is firmly established and if you have been to the villages and looked around,
you will undoubtedly feel thrilled as never before. Countless thousands of the
enslaved-the peasants-are striking down the enemies who battened on their flesh. What the
peasants are doing is absolutely right; what they are doing is fine! "It's
fine!" is the theory of the peasants and of all other revolutionaries. Every
revolutionary comrade should know that the national revolution requires a great change in
the countryside. The Revolution of 1911 did not bring about this change, hence its
failure. This change is now taking place, and it is an important factor for the completion
of the revolution. Every revolutionary comrade must support it, or he will be taking the
stand of counter-revolution.The Question of "Going Too Far"Then there is another section of people who say, "Yes, peasant associations
are necessary, but they are going rather too far. " This is the opinion of the
middleof-the-roaders. But what is the actual situation? True, the peasants are in a sense
"unruly" in the countryside. Supreme in authority, the peasant association
allows the landlord no say and sweeps away his prestige. This amounts to striking the
landlord down to the dust and keeping him there. The peasants threaten, "We will put
you in the other register! " They fine the local tyrants and. evil gentry, they
demand contributions from them, and they smash their sedan-chairs.' People swarm into the
houses of local tyrants and evil gentry who are against the peasant association, slaughter
their pigs and consume their grain. They even loll for a minute or two on the ivory-inlaid
beds belonging to the young ladies in the households of the local tyrants and evil gentry.
At the slightest provocation they make arrests, crown the arrested with tall paper hats,
and parade them through the villages, saying "You dirty landlords, now you know who
we are! " Doing whatever they like and turning everything upside down, they have
created a kind of terror in the countryside. This is what some people call "going too
far," or "exceeding the proper limits in righting a wrong," or "really
too much." Such talk may seem plausible, but in fact it is wrong. First, the local
tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords have themselves driven the peasants to this.
For ages they have used their power to tyrannize over the peasants and trample them
underfoot; that is why the peasants have reacted so strongly. The most violent revolts and
the most serious disorders have invariably occurred in places where the local tyrants,
evil gentry and lawless landlords perpetrated the worst outrages. The peasants are
clear-sighted. Who is bad and who is not, who is the worst and who is not quite so
vicious, who deserves severe punishment and who deserves to be let off lightly-the
peasants keep clear accounts, and very seldom has the punishment exceeded the crime.
Secondly, a revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture,
or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind,
courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence
by which one class overthrows another. A rural revolution is a revolution by which the
peasantry overthrows the power of the feudal landlord class. Without using the greatest
force, the peasants cannot possibly overthrow the deep-rooted authority of the landlords
which has lasted for thousands of years. The rural areas need a mighty revolutionary
upsurge, for it alone can rouse the people in their millions to become a powerful force.
All the actions mentioned here which have been labelled as "going too far" flow
from the power of the peasants, which has been called forth by the mighty revolutionary
upsurge in the countryside. It was highly necessary for such things to be done in the
second period of the peasant movement, the period of revolutionary action. In this period
it was necessary to establish the absolute authority of the peasants. It was necessary to
forbid malicious criticism of the peasant associations. It was necessary to overthrow the
whole authority of the gentry, to strike them to the ground and keep them there. There is
revolutionary significance in all the actions which were labelled as "going too
far" in this period. To put it bluntly, it is necessary to create terror for a while
in every rural area, or otherwise it would be impossible to suppress the activities of the
counter-revolutionaries in the countryside or overthrow the authority of the gentry.
Proper limits have to be exceeded in order to right a wrong, or else the wrong cannot be
righted. Those who talk about the peasants "going too far" seem at first sight
to be different from those who say "It's terrible!" as mentioned earlier, but in
essence they proceed from the same standpoint and likewise voice a landlord theory that
upholds the interests of the privileged classes. Since this theory impedes the rise of the
peasant movement and so disrupts the revolution, we must firmly oppose it.
Mao Zedong [Mao Tse-tung]: Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in
Hunan, March 1927, in Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, vol. I (3rd printing; Peking:
Foreign Languages Press, 1975), pp. 23-29
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