Internet Modern History Sourcebook
The French Revolution
[Note: Crib Sheets are meant as review aids for a particular
period/theme. They are not complete overviews!]
Ancien Regime Figures and Dates Louis XV ruled 1715-74
- "apres moi, le deluge"
- Madame de Pompadour 1721-64
- Madame du Barry
- Rene Maupeau 1714-1792
- The Seven Years War 1756-63
Louis XVI ruled 1774-1792 (executed 1793)
- Jacques Turgot 1721-1781
- Jacques Necker 1732-1802
- Charles Alexander de Calonne 1732-1802,
- Etienne Charles Lomenie de Brienne 1727-1794
Lead Up to Revolution
- The Fiscal Crisis
- Assembly of Notables 1787
- 1788 Coup d'etat of Parlements
Start of the Revolution - 1788-1789
- Cahiers des Doleances
- Abbé Sieyes: What is the Third Estate?
- Estates General - May 5th 1789 at Versailles
- National Assembly - June 17th
Tennis Court Oath - June 20th 1789
- National Assembly takes name National Constituent Assembly - June
- July 1789 - The Great Fear in the countryside
- Fall of the Bastille - July 14th 1789
- August 4th Laws - abolish "feudalism"
- Declaration of the Rights of Man - August 27th 1789
- Civil Constitution of the Clergy July 1790
Reaction to the Revolution
- Edmund Burke: Reflections on the French Revolution 1790
The beginning of modern conservative thought.
- Thomas Paine: The Rights of Man 1791
- Olympe de Gouge: The Rights of Women 1791
- Mary Wollstonecraft: Vindication of the Rights of Woman 1792
Radicalization 1791-1792
- Constitution of 1791
- The Legislative Assembly (1791-1792)
- Parties
The Jacobins, Girondists/Brissotins - Jacque-Pierre Brissot
- The Sans Culottes [those who do not wear "culottes" - ie fashionable
leggings. Modern translation "The K-Mart crowd"]
- WAR - April 20 1792 - war declared on Austria
- August 10th 1792 Attack on Tuileries Palace
- September 1792 [September Massacres]
- The Convention - 1792-95 meets September 21 1792 - France declared a republic.
© 1997, Paul Halsall
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]