Tract |
1833. |
I |
Sept. 9. |
Thoughts on the Ministerial Commission.
4 pp. Ad Clerum |
[J. H. Newman]. |
II |
Sept. 9. |
The Catholic Church. 4 pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Sept. 9. |
Thoughts respectfully addressed to the
Clergy on alterations in the Liturgy. The Burial Service. The Principle of Unity. 8
pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
IV |
Sept. 21. |
Adherence to the Apostolical
Succession the safest course. On Alterations in the Prayer-book. 8 pp., Ad Populum. |
[J. Keble]. |
V |
Oct. 18. |
A short address to his Brethren on the Nature and
Constitution of the Church of Christ, and of the Branch of it established in England. By a
Layman. 15. pp. |
[J. W. Bowden]. |
VI |
Oct. 29. |
The Present Obligation of Primitive Practice. A sin of the
Church. 4 pp., Ad Populum. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Oct. 29. |
The Episcopal Church Apostolical. 4 pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Oct. 31. |
The Gospel a Law of Liberty. Church Reform. 4 pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
IX |
Oct. 31. |
On Shortening the Church Services. Sunday Lessons. 4 pp., Ad
Populum. |
[R. H. Froude]. |
X |
Nov. 4. |
Heads of a Week-Day Lecture, delivered to a Country
Congregation. 6 pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
XI |
Nov. 11. |
The Visible Church. Letters I and II. 8 pp., Ad Scholas. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Dec. 4. |
Richard Nelson. No. 1 Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. 16 pp. |
[Thos. Keble]. |
Dec. 5. |
Sunday Lessons. The Principle of Selection. 11 pp., Ad
Populum. |
[J. Keble]. |
Dec. 12. |
The Ember Days. 7 pp., Ad Populum. |
[Alfred Menzies]. |
XV |
Dec. 13. |
On the Apostolical Succession in the English Church. 11 pp. |
[W. Palmer, revised and completed by J. H.
Newman]. |
Dec. 17. |
Advent. 8 pp., Ad Populum. |
[B. Harrison]. |
Dec. 20. |
The Ministerial Commission: A Trust from Christ for the
Benefit of His People. 7 pp., Ad Populum. |
[B. Harrison]. |
Dec. 21. |
Thoughts on the Benefits of the System of Fasting enjoined by
our Church. 28 pp. |
[E. B. Pusey]. |
Dec. 23. |
On arguing concerning the Apostolical Succession. On
Reluctance to confess the Apostolical Succession. 4 pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
XX |
Dec. 24. |
The Visible Church. Letter III. 4 pp., Ad Scholas. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
1834. |
Jan. 1. |
Mortification of the Flesh a Scripture duty. 4 pp., Ad
Populum. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Jan. 6. |
Richard Nelson. No. II. The Athanasian Creed. 18 pp. |
[Thos. Keble]. |
Jan. 6. |
The Faith and Obedience of Churchmen the strength of the
Church. 4 pp. |
[A. P. Perceval]. |
Jan. 25. |
The Scripture View of the Apostolical Commission. 11 pp., Ad
Populum. |
[B. Harrison]. |
Jan. 25. |
The great Necessity and Advantage of Public Prayer (extracted
from Bishop Beveridge's Sermon on the subject). 8 pp., Ad Populum. A reprint. |
Feb. 2. |
The Necessity and Advantage of Frequent Communion (extracted
from Bishop Beveridge's Sermon on the subject). 23 pp. A reprint. |
Feb. 24. |
The History of Popish Transubstantiation (by John Cosin,
Bishop of Durham). 16 pp. A reprint. |
Mar. 25. |
The same, concluded. 24 pp. |
Mar. 25. |
Christian Liberty, or, Why should we belong to the Church of
England? By a Layman. 11 pp., Ad Populum. |
[J. W. Bowden]. |
Mar. 25. |
The same, continued. 8 pp., Ad Populum. |
[J. W. Bowden]. |
Apr. 25. |
The Reformed Church. 4 pp., Ad Clerum. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Apr. 25. |
The Standing Ordinances of Religion. 8 pp., Ad Clerum. |
[C. P. Eden]. |
May 1. |
Primitive Episcopacy. 7 pp., Ad Scholas. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
May 1. |
Rites and Customs of the Church. 8 pp., Ad Scholas. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
May 8. |
The People's Interest in their Minister's Commission. 4 pp., Ad
Populum. |
[A. P. Perceval]. |
June 11 |
Account of Religious Sects at present existing in England. 7
pp., Ad Populum. |
[A. P. Perceval]. |
June 24. |
Bishop Wilson's Form of Excommunication. 8 pp., Ad Populum.
A reprint. |
July 25. |
Via Media. No. I. 12 pp., Ad Scholas. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
July 25. |
Bishop Wilson's Form of Receiving Penitents. 4 pp., Ad
Populum. A reprint. |
XL |
July 25. |
Richard Nelson. No. III. On Baptism. 15 pp., Ad Populum. |
[John Keble]. |
Aug. 24. |
Via Media. No. II. 12 pp., Ad Scholas. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Aug. 24. |
Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. I,
Sunday. 15 pp., Ad Populum. A reprint. |
Sept. 21. |
Richard Nelson. No. IV. Length of the Public Service. 16 pp., Ad Populum. |
[Thos. Keble]. |
Sept. 29. |
Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. II,
Monday. 4 pp. (2nd ed. 8 pp.), Ad Populum. A reprint. |
Oct. 18. |
The Grounds of our Faith. 6 pp., Ad Clerum. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Oct. 28. |
Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. III,
Tuesday. 4 pp., Ad Populum. A reprint. |
Nov. 1. |
The Visible Church. Letter IV. 4 pp., Ad Clerum. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Nov. 30. |
Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. IV,
Wednesday. 4 pp. (2nd ed. 10 pp.), Ad Populum. A reprint. |
Dec. 25. |
The Kingdom of Heaven. 12 pp., Ad Clerum. |
[B. Harrison]. |
L |
Dec. 26. |
Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. IV,
Wednesday (continued). 4 pp. (2nd ed. 7 pp.), Ad Populum. A reprint. |
1835. |
LI |
Jan. 6. |
On Dissent without reason in Conscience. 16 pp., Ad
Populum. |
[R. F. Wilson]. |
Undated. |
Sermons for Saints' Days and Holidays. No. 1, St. Matthias. 8
pp., Ad Clerum. |
[J. Keble]. |
Feb. 24. |
Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. V,
Thursday. 4 pp., Ad Populum. A reprint. |
Feb. 2. |
Sermons for Saints' Days and Holidays. No. II, The
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 12 pp., Ad Populum. |
[J. Keble]. |
LV |
Mar. 25. |
Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. V,
Thursday (continued). 8 pp., Ad Populum. A reprint. |
Mar. 25. |
Holy Days observed in the English Church. 7 pp., Ad
Populum. |
[J. W. Bowden]. |
Mar. 25. |
Sermons for Saints' Days and Holidays. No. III, St. Mark's
Day. 15 pp., Ad Populum. |
[J. Keble]. |
April 19. |
On the Church as viewed by Faith and by the World. 7 pp., Ad
Populum. |
[J. W. Bowden]. |
April 25. |
The position of the Church of Christ in England, relatively
to the State and the Nation. 8 pp., Ad Clerum. |
[R. H. Froude]. |
LX |
Mar. 25. |
Sermons for Saints' Days and Holidays. No. IV, St. Philip and
St. James. 12 pp., Ad Populum. |
[J. Keble]. |
May 1. |
The Catholic Church a Witness against Illiberality. 4 pp., Ad
Clerum. |
[A. Buller]. |
May 1. |
Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. V,
Thursday (continued). 8 pp., Ad Populum. A reprint. |
May 1. |
The Antiquity of the existing Liturgies. 16 pp., Ad Clerum. |
[R. H. Froude]. |
June 11. |
Bishop Bull on the Ancient Liturgies. 4 pp., Ad Populum.
A reprint. |
June 29. |
Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. VI,
Friday (abridged). 4 pp., Ad Populum. A reprint. After the first edition, No. 65 is
a tract of 32 pages, containing the unabridged form of Bishop Wilson's Med iations for
Friday and Saturday. See No. 70. |
July 25. |
On the Benefits of the System of Fasting prescribed by our
Church. Supplement to Tract 18. 16 pp., Ad Clerum. |
[E. B. Pusey]. |
Aug. 24. |
Scriptural Views of Holy Baptism. pp. 1-48, Ad Clerum.
For a description of the later editions of this tract, see [Liddon's Life of E. B. Pusey]
vol. i. pp. 352-354. |
[E. B. Pusey]. |
Sept. 29. |
Scriptural views of Holy Baptism (continued). pp.
49-104, Ad Clerum. |
[E. B. Pusey]. |
Oct. 18. |
Scriptural Views of Holy Baptism (concluded). pp.
105-208, Ad Clerum. |
[E. B. Pusey]. |
Oct. 28. |
Bishop Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. VII,
Saturday (abridged). 4 pp., Ad Populum. A reprint. After the first edition, the
unabridged form of Bishop Wilson's Meditations for Saturday is printed as par t of No. 65;
and the 'Notes to the Scriptural Views of Holy Baptism' (Tracts 67, 68 and 69), pp.
209-295 [E. B. Pusey], are reckoned as No. 70. |
1836. |
Jan. 1. |
On the Controversy with the Romanists (No. I, Against
Romanism), 35 pp., Ad Clerum. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Jan. 6. |
Archbishop Ussher on Prayers for the Dead (No. II, Against
Romanism). 60 pp. A reprint. |
Feb. 2. |
On the Introduction of Rationalistic Principles into
Religion. 56 pp., Ad Scholas. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Apr. 25. |
Catena Patrum. No. I. Testimony of Writers in the later
English Church to the doctrine of the Apostolical Succession. 56 pp., Ad Populum.
Printed also simultaneously as the Appendix to E. B. Pusey's 'Earnest Remonstr ance to the
Author of "The Pope's Letter," &c.' See Tract 77. |
[J. H. Newman, (sometimes attributed to B.
Harrison)]. |
June 24. |
On the Roman Breviary as embodying the substance of the
Devotional Services of the Church Catholic. 148 pp. (2nd ed. 207 pp.), Ad Clerum. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Sept. 29. |
Catena Patrum. No. II. Testimony of Writers in the later
English Church to the doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration. 56 pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Nov. 1. |
An Earnest Remonstrance to the Author of 'The Pope's Letter.'
35 pp. A reprint. First issued on April 25, 1836. |
[E. B. Pusey]. |
1837. |
Feb. 2. |
Catena Patrum. No. III. Testimony of Writers in the later
English Church to the duty of maintaining, Quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus
traditum est. 118 pp., Ad Populum. |
[H. E. Manning and C. Marriott]. |
Mar. 25. |
On Purgatory (Against Romanism, No. III). 61 pp., Ad
Clerum. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Undated. |
On Reserve in communicating Religious Knowledge, Parts I-III,
82 pp. |
[I. Williams]. |
Nov. 1. |
Catena Patrum. No. IV. Testimony of Writers in the later
English Church to the doctrine of the Eucharistic Sacrifice. with an historical account of
the changes in the Liturgy as to the expression of that doctrine. 415 pp. ( 2nd ed. 424
pp.). |
[E. B. Pusey]. |
Nov. 1. |
The Preface, Title-Page, and Contents to Volume IV. The
Preface includes 'Letter to a Magazine on the subject of Dr. Pusey's Tract on Baptism.' 42
pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
1838. |
June 29. |
Advent Sermons on Antichrist. 54 pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Aug. 24. |
Whether a Clergyman of the Church of England be now bound to
have Morning and Evening Prayers daily in his Parish Church. 45 pp. |
[Thos. Keble, conclusion from p. 35 by G.
Prevost]. |
Sept. 21 |
Letters on the Scripture proof of the Doctrines of the
Church. Part I. 115 pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
1839. |
Mar. 25. |
Indications of a superintending Providence in the
preservation of the Prayer-book and in the changes which it has undergone. 100 pp. |
[I. Williams]. |
1840. |
Feb. 2. |
On Reserve in communicating Religious Knowledge (conclusion).
144 pp., Ad Clerum. |
[I. Williams]. |
Mar. 25. |
The Greek Devotions of Bishop Andrews, translated and
arranged. 96 pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |
Undated |
On the Mysticism attributed to the Early Fathers of the
Church. 186 pp. |
[J. Keble]. |
1841. |
XC. |
Jan. 25. |
Remarks on certain passages in the Thirty-nine Articles. 83
pp. |
[J. H. Newman]. |