Albert N. Greco

Professor of Marketing
Joined Fordham: 1996
General Information:
441 East Fordham Road,
Hughes Hall Room 516,
Bronx, NY 10458
Albert N. Greco is an expert on the publishing world who researches and teaches at the Gabelli School of Business. His research centers on consumer marketing trends in publishing, as well as in the cultural, retail and financial-service fields. He has investigated the impact of econometric, demographic and technological developments on consumers and their decisions to buy, rent or use the goods and services produced by these industries.
Professor Greco's recent publications have centered on three areas: the supply and the consumer and institutional demand for adult, juvenile, mass-market, religious, professional, scholarly and educational textbooks; why people decide to select a specific book, author or genre; and where consumers buy books, exploring the major channels of distribution: book stores, mass merchants, price clubs, convenience stores and online.
Universities in the United States and abroad have made his publications required or recommended reading for their undergraduate or graduate students, among them Columbia, Northwestern, UCLA, Harvard, Brown, Rochester, Virginia and Georgetown. His research has appeared in Harvard Business School cases, in scholarly books published in the United States and United Kingdom, and in academic journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Management Science and Psychology and Marketing. His papers have been presented at the World Bank, Harvard University, Cambridge and Oxford Universities, the Library of Congress and the U.S. Department of Commerce. Other outlets for his research include the Federal Communications Commission, the National Endowment for the Arts, Princeton University's Center for Arts and Cultural Policy, and business school working papers or dissertations at numerous renowned universities.
Professor Greco has consulted about the book industry for the NEA, financial service companies, consulting companies and publishing firms. He is working on a business history of the U.S. book industry since 1980.
- Ed.D.: New York University
- Master's: M.A. Duquesne University
- Bachelor's: B.A. Duquesne University
- Consumer Behavior
- Book and Publishing Industry Marketing Trends
- Cultural Industries Marketing Trends
- Intellectual Property/Copyrights
- Retail Industry Marketing Trends
- Financial Industry Marketing Trends
- Albert N. Greco. The Strategic Marketing of Science, Technology, and Medical Journals: A Business History of a Dynamic Marketplace 2000-2020 (Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland, 2023).
- The College Textbook Publishing Industry in the U.S. 2000-2023: The Search for Competitive Marketing Strategies (New York, London, and Chan Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).
- The Business of Scholarly Publishing: Managing in Turbulent Times (New York and Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2020).
- The Marketing of World War II in the U.S. 1939-1946: A Business History of the U.S. Government and the Media and Entertainment Industries (New York, London, and Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan; 2020).
- The Growth of the Scholarly Publishing Industry in the U.S.: A Business History of a Changing Marketplace, 1939-1946 (New York, London, and Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan; 2019).
- The Economics of the Publishing and Information Industries: The Search for Yield in a Disintermediated World (New York and London: Routledge, 2015; printed book and digital e-book versions).
- Media Economics: Theory and Practice, 3rd edition (New York and London, Routledge, 2015; hardcover version from a new publisher). Co-author with Alison Alexander, James Owers, Rod Carveth, and Ann Hollifield. Author of Chapter 6 “The Economics of Books and Magazines,” pp. 127-148. Co-author of “Preface,” pp. vii-ix (with Alison Alexander, James Owers, Rod Carveth, and Ann Hollifield.
- The Book Publishing Industry 3rd ed.; co-author with Jim Milliot and Robert M. Wharton (New York and London: Routledge, 2014; printed book and digital e-book versions).
- Essential JSP: Critical Insights into the World of Scholarly Publishing: Vol. 3 Scholarly Journals: Print, Digital, Open Access, and Search Engines (Toronto: University of Toronto Press; 2012; printed book and digital e-book versions).
- Essential JSP: Critical Insights into the World of Scholarly Publishing: Vol. 1 University Presses; edited and prepared an introduction, bibliography, and detailed statistical tables on university press publishing and title output (Toronto: University of Toronto Press; 2011; printed book and digital e-book versions).
- The State of Scholarly Publishing: Challenges and Opportunities;edited and prepared an introduction and bibliography (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publications at Rutgers University; 2009).
- The Culture and Commerce of Book Publishing in the 21st Century co-author with Clara Rodriguez and Robert M. Wharton (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007).
This book was translated into Chinese in 2010 by Renmin University Press (Beijing). - The Book Publishing Industry, 2nd edition (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates, 2005). This book was translated into Chinese in 2009.
Journal articles and chapters in books- “The Impact of the Inclusive Access Antitrust Lawsuit on U.S. College Bookstores, Book Publishers, and Educational Publishers,” Publishing Research Quarterly 38, 3 (September 2022); pages 475-489; co-author with Alexandra Thomas, Emily Dunbar, Robert M. Wharton.
- “The Impact of the Redigi Case on the U.S. Library and Book Publishing Industry: E-Books and Audio Books,” Publishing Research Quarterly 38, 1(March 2022); pages 53-70; co-author with Emily Dunbar, Isabella Pichigian, Alexandra Thomas.
- Samaher Baidis, Albert N. Greco, Michael D. Kontolios, Molly McCullen, Nan Rittenhouse, Robert M. Wharton. 2018, “Creating Competitive Advantage: The Growth of Independent Bookstores in the U.S. 2009-Publishing Research Quarterly 35, 4(December 2019): 670-684.
- Simson, Jaclyn, Greco, Albert, “The Price and New Title Output of Scholarly Books: 2009-2016,” Publishing Research Quarterly 34. 2(June 2018): 218-237.
- Greco, Albert N., “The Scholarly Publishing Community Should Support Changes to U.S. Copyright Law,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 49, 2(January 2018): 248-259.
- Nicole Benevento, Greco, Albert, Toniann Pasqueralle, Clara Rodriguez, Francesca Russo, Alana M. Spendley, Kelly Sullivan, Yiming Sun, and Robert M. Wharton, “Who Publishers More Books in U.S. English Departments, Men or Women?” Publishing Research Quarterly, 33, 4 (December 2017): 357-372.
- Albert N. Greco. “The Kirtsaeng and SCI-HUB Cases: The Major U.S. Copyright Cases in the Twenty-First Century,” Publishing Research Quarterly 33, 3(September 2017): 238-253.
- Albert N. Greco. “Book Publishers Should Support Changes in the Office of the Copyright and the Register of Copyrights,” Publishing Research Quarterly 33, 2(June 2017): 117-125. Springer publishes this journal.
- Albert N. Greco. “The Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Scholarly Journals,” the Journal of Scholarly Publishing 48, 1(October 2016): 17-39.
- Albert N. Greco, Amy Brand, and Robert M. Wharton. “Demographics of Scholarly Publishing and Communication Professionals,” Learned Publishing 29, 2(April 2016): 97-101.
- Albert N. Greco and Alana M. Spendley. “The Price of University Press Books 2012-2014,” in the Journal of Scholarly Publishing 47, 2(January 2016): in press.
- Albert N. Greco. “Academic Libraries and the Economics of Scholarly Publishing in the Twentieth-First Century: Portfolio Theory, Product Differentiation, Economic Rent, Perfect Price Discrimination, and the Cost of Prestige,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing 47, 1(October 2015): 1-43.
- “University Presses in the 21st Century: The Potential Impact of Big Data and Predictive Analytics on Scholarly Book Marketing,” co-author with Chelsea Aiss in the Journal of Scholarly Publishing 46, 2(January 2015): 105-140
- "Mergers and Acquisitions in the U.S. Book Publishing Industry: 1960-1989," in International Book Publishing: An Encyclopedia 3rd edition, ed. Philip G. Altbach and Edith S. Hoshino (New York: Routledge, 2015), pp. 229-242. New hardcover version from a new publisher
- “U.S. Book Exports and Imports: 2010-2013,” in the Library and Book Trade Almanac 2015: 60th ed. Dave Bogart (Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2015), pages 468-475.
- "The Impact of Technological and Financial Disruption on U.S. Book Exports and Imports," in The Library and Book Trade Almanac 2014, 59th ed. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., pp. 476-490; co-authored with Michele Daubman, Michael Artiles and Paul Lynch.
- "The Impact of E-Books and E-Readers on the Library of Congress and the U.S. Copyright Office," co-author with Michael Articles, Christian Beaulieu, Samantha Carey, Madeline Danza, Andrew Gatian, Alexa Gavin Alexandra Jameson, Adam McWilliams, Kristen Samuelson, and Robert Wharton in the Journal of Scholarly Publishing 45, 1(October 2013): 1-34.
- "The Competitive Advantage of U.S. Book Publishers in the International Market for Books," in the Library and Book Trade Almanac 2013: 58th ed. Dave Bogart (Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2013), pp. 451-470; co-author with Emily Osman.
- Greco, Albert N., Robert M. Wharton and Hooman Estelami (2012), "The State of Scholarly Book Publishing: 1981-2000," in Albert N. Greco (ed) Critical Insights into the World of Scholarly Publishing, Toronto: University of Toronto Press
- "The Price of University Press Books: 2009-2011," co-author with Robert M. Wharton and Falguni Sen in the Journal of Scholarly Publishing 43, 4(July 2012): 363-380. The University of Toronto Press publishes The Journal of Scholarly Publishing.
- "How E-Books 'Disruptive Technology' Affects U.S. Book Industry," in the Library and Book Trade Almanac 2012: 57th ed. Dave Bogart (Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2012), pp. 530-544.
- "'Black Swan' Confronts Book Exports and Imports in 2010," in the Library and Book Trade Almanac 2011: 56th ed. Dave Bogart (Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2011), pp. 505-524.
- "The Market Demand for University Press Books: 2008-2015," co-author with Robert M. Wharton in the Journal of Scholarly Publishing 41, 1(October 2010): 1-15.
- "A History of University Presses and Scholarly Journal Publishers: 1945-2007," in The Oxford Companion to the Book, Vol. II, eds. Michael F. Suarez and Henry R. Woudhuysen (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. 1128-1131.
- "Global Recession Dampens U.S. Book Exports and Imports in 2009," in the Library and Book Trade Almanac 2010: 55th ed. Dave Bogart (Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2010), pp. 499-522.
- "U.S. Book Exports and Imports in 2008: A Year of Economic Uncertainty," in theLibrary and Book Trade Almanac 2009: 54th ed. Dave Bogart (Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2009), pp. 515-533.
- "The Scholarly Book Buyer's Decision Process: A National Survey of University Faculty," co-author with Hooman Estelami and Robert Wharton in the Journal of Scholarly Publishing 40, 1(October 2008): 66-96.
- "The International Book Market in Transition: U.S. Book Exports and Book Imports 2007," in the Library and Book Trade Almanac 2009: 53rd ed. Dave Bogart (Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2008), pp. 545-563.
- "The Changing College and University Library Market for Non-Profit University Press Books and Journals: 1997-2005;" co-author with Hooman Estelami, Robert Wharton, and Robert Jones, in the Journal of Scholarly Publishing 39, 1 (October 2007): 1-32.
- "The International Market for U.S. Books: An Analysis of Exports and Imports, 2006," in The Bowker Annual 2007: 52nd Edition, ed. Dave Bogart (Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2007), pp. 495-513.
- "The Market for U.S. Book Exports and Imports, 2005: Dynamic Changes," in The Bowker Annual 2006: 51st Edition, ed. Dave Bogart (Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2006), pp. 523-539.
- "Recent Trends in Scholarly Communication: 2001-2005;" The Journal of Scholarly Publishing 37, 3(July 2006): 288-306.
- "The State of Scholarly Journal Publishing: 1981-2000;" The Journal of Scholarly Publishing 37, 2(April 2006): 155-214. Co-author with Hooman Estelami, Robert Jones, and Robert Wharton.
- "A Bibliography of Books and Journal Articles on Scholarly Publishing;" The Journal of Scholarly Publishing 37, 1(October 2005): 48-54.
- "The Changing Market for University Press Books: 1997-2002," The Journal of Scholarly Publishing 36, 4(July 2005): 187-220. Co-author with Robert Wharton and Hooman Estelami.