Aditya Saharia

Business faculty - Aditya Saharia

Information, Technology, and Operations
Joined Fordham: 1997

General Information:
140 W. 62nd Street, Room 401,
New York, NY 10023.

Phone: 212-636-6286


  • Aditya Saharia, Ph.D., a professor of information systems at the Gabelli School of Business, teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in IT strategy, IT project management, e-commerce, and enterprise integration. He entered the field of information systems after beginning his career in theoretical physics.

    Professor Saharia's research focuses on applications of AI systems, information-systems strategy, database theory, information economics, ERP systems, and service-center management. His projects include AI applications, data visualization in healthcare data breaches, query optimization and query reuse in data-warehousing systems, IT and business alignment, challenges in IT integration in mergers and acquisitions, incentive-compatible contracts, and quality in outsourcing contracts.

    Before coming to Fordham, Professor Saharia served on the graduate faculty at the business schools of the University of Washington and University of Illinois, Chicago, supervising Ph.D. candidates at both institutions.

    Professor Saharia earned a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Carnegie Mellon University. He did additional graduate work in operations research, economics, and computer information systems at the University of Rochester.

    Professor Saharia's work has appeared in leading journals in information systems and computer science. These include: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Information Systems Research, Decision Support Systems and the Journal of Management Information Systems. Before he made the academic transition from physics to information systems, Professor Saharia's work in physcs was published in leading journals in theoretical physics, including Physical Review, Nuclear Physics, and Physics Letters.

    Professor Saharia is the director of the Center for Digital Transformation and is the coordinator of Fordham CIO Roundtable. He has served as ITO area chair,  director of the Fulltime M.B.A. program, and the director of the M.S. in IT program.

    Professor Saharia has served on the boards of several for-profit and nonprofit organizations.

    • Ph.D.: Carnegie Mellon University
    • Master's: University of Rochester
    • Data Science
    • Information systems
    • Information economics
    • Service center management
    • “Understanding Cryptocurrency: A Descriptive Analytics Study of Bitcoin” (with D. Molitor, W.Raghupathi, V. Raghupathi) International Journal of Blockchain Applications and Secure Computing (IJBASC)  2023,1(1)
    • Analyzing Health Data Breaches: A Visual Analytics Approach” (with W. Raghupathi, and V. Raghupathi) AppliedMath 2023, 3(1), 175-199.
    • "Digital Innovation for Customer Experience," (with E. Katsamakas) Journal of Cases in Information Technology, Vol. 10, Issue 3 (2019) pp. 38-52. Winner Best Paper Award , SIM International Paper Competition 2016
    • “Incentives for Information Sharing in Collaborative Supply Chains” in Managing Flexibility, (2015) ed. Sushil, Springer New Delhi.
    • “Enterprise 2.0 Implementation at Vanguard: Enabling Collaboration and Mobility,” (with A. Kumar, E. Katsamakas, G. Bixby) International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications, Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2015) pp.23-34. Runner up, SIM International Paper Competition, 2013
    • "Creating Business Value Through IT Consumerization,"  (with J. Cooper and E. Katsamakas) CIO Insight September 13, 2013.
    • "The Influence of Self-Concept Improvement on Member Loyalty to Online Communities: An Empirical Investigation across Social Networking and Virtual Worlds Sites,” (with Young Eun Lee) Proceeding of 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Science, January 2012
    • “Analyzing Members’ Motivations to Participate in Role-Playing and Self-Expression Based Virtual Communities” (with Professor Y.E. Lee) Proceeding of the Workshop on Web and E-Business, Paris 2008
    • ‘ERP Systems and Internal Audit," Issues in Information Systems, (with R. Tucker and B. Koch) Volume IX, Issues 1-2, (2008) pp.578-586
    • "ERP Systems Implementation Risk" (with "RP" Raghupathi) Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, (2007)
    • Received the Best Paper in Information Systems Track Award
    • "Improving Data Warehouse Performance through Query Caching" (with Y. M. Babad), ACM SIGMIS Database, Vol.31, No. 3, (2000) pp. 43-63
    • "Handling Incomplete Information in Temporal Databases," (With D. Dey and T. Barron) IEEE Transactions of Data and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 10 (1998) 297-309
    • "Optimal Control of an Appointment Based Service Center with Service Guarantee," (with Y. M. Babad and M. Dada), European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 89 (1996) 246-248.
    • "Outsourcing Information Systems Functions: An Organizational Economics Perspective," (with Paul Alpar) Journal of Organizational Computing, Vol. 5 (1995) 197-21723.
    • "Optimal Information Systems for the Seller of a Search Good," (with T. Barron),Information Systems Research, Vol. 1 (1990) 188
    • "Incomplete Information Costs and Database Design," (with H. Mendelson), ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 11, (1986), 159-185.