Current Medieval Studies Graduate Students

Congratulations to our award-winning graduate students!

Below is a directory of currently enrolled graduate students at the Center for Medieval Studies as well as students in other departments with research interests in the medieval period. Directory alphabetized by first name.
  • Amanda Racine

    Amanda Racine | PhD, History | [email protected]
    MA, History, University of Colorado-Boulder
    BA, History, University of Idaho

    Research Interests
    Latin East, the Eastern Mediterranean, thirteenth-century, France, crusading, slavery, service, law, customary treatises

    Benjamin Bertrand | PhD, History | [email protected]
    MA, History, Boston College
    BA, History, University of New Hampshire, Durham

    Research Interests
    Intersections of violence and society in Medieval Europe, with a special emphasis upon the ways that violence served to construct identity in different communities.

    Carmeliz Ramas-Fisk

    Carmeliz Ramas-Fisk | MA, Medieval Studies | [email protected]
    BS, Accounting, Santa Clara University
    BA, History, University of San Francisco

    Research Interests
    Medieval Women, with a particular focus on the Anglo-Norman period.

    Carolyn Cargile

    Carolyn Cargile | PhD, English | [email protected]
    MA, Medieval Studies, University of York
    BA, History with Spanish and Medieval Studies, Wake Forest University

    Research Interests
    Old English, Latin, and Old French literature; history writing; eleventh- and twelfth-century England and Normandy

    Christie Olek

    Christie Olek  | PhD, History | [email protected] 
    MA, Medieval Studies, Fordham University
    BA, History, Saint Francis University (Loretto, PA)

    Research Interests
    Law and medicine, especially illicit medical practice

    Christopher Emrich | PhD, Philosophy | [email protected]

    BA, Liberal Arts, Thomas Aquinas College

    Research Interests
    The Thought of Thomas Aquinas and his interpretation of the works of Aristotle


    Curtis Rager

    Curtis Rager | PhD, History | crager@fordham. edu
    MA, History, San Francisco State University
    BA, History, San Francisco State University

    Research Interests
    Monasticism, Orality and Literacy, and Cognition of the French High Middle Ages.

    Diamantina Kefalas | MA, Medieval Studies | [email protected] 
    BA, Fordham University

    Research Interests
    Vernacular Greek and French literature, Byzantium from the 13th to the 15th centuries, collective identities

    Doug Shepardson | PhD, Philosophy | [email protected]

    Research Interests
    Ancient and medieval philosophy, patristics, late antiquity, and the philosophy of religion

    Douglass Hamilton | PhD, History | [email protected]
    MA, University of Toronto
    BA, Skidmore College

    Elizabeth Duchovni

    Elizabeth Duchovni | MA, Medieval Studies | [email protected]
    PhD, Mathematics, CUNY Graduate Center
    BA, English Language and Literature, Hunter College                       

    Research Interests
    Medieval Londoners, Maritime History, DH, Python programming, History of English, Beowulf, Medieval Icelandic History and Literature

    Elissa Johnston | PhD, English | [email protected]
    BA English Literature, Wheaton College

    Research Interests
    Female devotional writers of late medieval England, Mariology, gender and devotional practice

    Ellis Light

    Ellis Light | PhD, English | [email protected]
    BA, Literature, The New School
    MA, English, Fordham University

    Research Interests
    Contemplative literature, visionary writing, bodily fluids, queer and trans studies

    Emma Emrich | PhD, Philosophy | [email protected]
    BA, Liberal Arts, Thomas Aquinas College
    MA, Philosophy, Fordham University

    Research Interests
    Medieval Philosophy especially medieval metaphysics and theories of the soul

    Frances Eshleman

    Frances Eshleman | PhD, History | [email protected]
    MA, Medieval Studies, Fordham University
    BA, History, Wheaton College

    Research Interests
    Late medieval canon law and its application, penance, punishment

    Galina Krasskova

    Galina Krasskova | PhD, Theology | [email protected]
    MA, Medieval Studies, Fordham University
    MA, Religious Studies, New York University
    BA, Religious studies, Empire State University

    Research Interests
    Eunuchs, constructions of masculinity in early Christianity, asceticism, bodily affect.

    Grant Pederson | PhD, Philosophy | [email protected]
    BA, University of St. Thomas

    Research Interests
    Medieval Philosophy

  • Jason Ray

    Jason Ray | PhD, English | [email protected]
    MA, Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Columbia University
    BA, Theater Studies, Yale University             

    Research Interests
    Medieval languages and literatures of the British Isles; cultural contact and transfer; critical theory

    Katherine Tweedel

    Katherine Tweedel | MA, Medieval Studies | [email protected]
    BA, History, University of Dallas

    Research Interests
    Universities, Thomas Aquinas, medieval curricula, medieval cosmology

    Kathryn Bresee | PhD, Philosophy | [email protected]

    BA, Eastern University

    Research Interests
    Natural law, contemporary Thomism

    Kelly Kornell

    Kelly Kornell | MA, History | [email protected]
    BA, History, University of Oklahoma

    Research Interests
    Politics and power but specifically women and how they exercised power and the perceptions and representations of that power, social and cultural history of medieval Europe with a particular focus on England, France, and northern Europe.

    Maria Carriere | PhD, History | [email protected]
    MA, History, University of Vermont
    BA, History, Western Washington University            

    Research Interests
    Political culture, gender, and women in the 12th and 13th centuries

    Mark Host | MA, Medieval Studies | [email protected]
    M.A. Cleveland State University
    B.A. Cleveland State University 

    Research Interests
    Literature (Old English, Middle English, Arthurian), relic cults, Byzantine east, military religious orders

    Matthew Glaser | PhD, Philosophy |  [email protected]
    MA Philosophy Fordham University
    BA Economics & Philosophy, Gustavus Adolphus College

    Research Interests
    Medieval theories of self-knowledge, the soul, and epistemology

    Michael J. Sanders

    Michael J. Sanders | PhD, History | [email protected]
    MA, History, Western Michigan University
    BA, History & English (Minor in Spanish), St. Vincent College

    Research Interests
    Later Crusades, political culture, kingship, apocalypticism, interfaith relations

    Natalie Reynoso  | PhD, Theology | [email protected]  

    Nicholas Joseph Norita | PhD, Philosophy | [email protected]
    MA, Philosophy Fordham University
    BA, Philosophy, University of San Diego

    Research Interests
    Metaphysics, Logic

    Olivia Caroline Geraci

    Olivia Caroline Geraci | MA, Medieval Studies | [email protected]
    BA, Classics, University of Chicago

    Research Interests
    Female mysticism, women religious, eroticism and spirituality, bodily fluids, book history


  • Patrick C. DeBrosse

    Patrick C. DeBrosse | PhD, History | [email protected]
    MA, Medieval History, University of East Anglia
    BA, History, Temple University

    Research Interests
    Medieval political culture; the Angevin Empire; the crusading movement; Latin historiography; troubadour lyrics

    Patrick Landers | PhD, Theology | [email protected]
    MAR, Yale University
    MPPM, Yale University
    BA, Williams College

    Research Interests
    Medieval and Patristic Theology

    Peyton Seabolt | PhD, History | [email protected]
    MA, Trent University
    BA, Armstrong State University

    Research Interests
    Horses, Medieval Equestrian Culture

    Robert Byers | PhD, English | [email protected]
    MA, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
    BA, University of Alaska, Fairbanks

    Research Interests
    Old English Literature, Middle English literature, Icelandic sagas, animal studies, posthumanism

    Rose Rugendorf

    Rose Rugendorf | MA, Medieval Studies | [email protected]
    BA, Literature (Minor in Medieval Studies), Bard College
    AA, Liberal Arts, Norwalk Community College

    Research Interests
    Animal symbolism and usage within 12th and 13th century English and French literary manuscripts

    Iris Loritz | PhD, History | [email protected]
    MA, History, Fordham University
    BA, Sarah Lawrence College

    Research Interests
    Gender and sexuality in late medieval France and the Mediterranean, crime, punishment, and public justice, urban history, marriage and family, sex trade, masculinity, queer studies, intersectionality

    Sean Spillane | PhD, English | [email protected]
    MA, Medieval Studies, University of York
    BA, History and English, Bridgewater State University

    Research Interests
    Old Norse Literature and Language, Old English Literature and Language, translation theory, Global Middle Ages

    Tanner Smoot

    Tanner Smoot | PhD, History | [email protected]
    MA, Marshall University
    BBA, Marshall University

    Research Interests
    Early Medieval England and Europe; Monasticism; Religious Culture

    Taryn DeLeon Mendiola

    Taryn DeLeon Mendiola | MA, Medieval Studies | [email protected]
    BFA, Studio Art, New York University
    BA, History, New York University

    Research Interests
    Textile production, techniques, and fashion throughout the Medieval period; Viking-age material culture and religion

    Wing Lai | PhD, English | [email protected]
    MA, University of Oxford
    BA, University of Sheffield

    Research Interests
    Middle English Romance, Chaucer, the Gowain Poet

  • Katrine Funding Højgaard
    MA Program, Medieval Studies
    BA History, Aalborg University (Denmark)
    Research Interests: High Middle Ages, Central Europe, and British Isles, History of Mentalities, Cultural History, Manuscripts, Literature.