Construction Project Management

Architect overseeing construction project

Learn the core competencies and specialized skills needed to professionally plan, manage, and deliver quality construction projects on time, within budget, and ultimately, with high client satisfaction. This includes project delivery methods, contracts, general contracting, construction management, scheduling, estimating, budgets, cost control, safety management, change orders, quality control, claims, dispute resolution, and more.

View and Register for Construction Project Management Courses

The Professional Certificate in Construction Project Management credential is issued to students who successfully complete five courses. Students may enroll in individual courses at the Fordham Real Estate Institute without pursuing a certificate.

Register for COPM-0110

Reading Construction Drawings and Documents COPM-0110/$645 (Elective Course, Not Required)


Sec. 1: Online (self-paced). Registration for this self-paced course is currently open. The course will remain open to registered students until May 6, 2025. Instructor: Richard McMillan

Through a step-by-step examination of a set of construction documents, learn how to read and interpret construction drawings in a confident and accurate manner. Topics include floor plans; reflected ceiling plans; elevations; sections; details; symbols; abbreviations; schedules; specifications; general and supplementary conditions; contract forms; bidding requirements; steel; concrete; wood; walls; windows; roofs; doors; and interior finishes.

Required Courses

Register for COPM-0010

Principles of Construction Project Management COPM-0010/$645


Sec. 1: Online (self-paced). Registration for this self-paced course is currently open. The course will remain open to registered students until May 6, 2025. Instructor: Thomas Grassi

Learn the phases of the construction process, and the principles and practices of effective project management with a special focus on the design development, planning, evaluation and pre-construction stages of a project. Topics include the project life cycle; the roles of the owner, architect, engineer, and contractor; project teams and organizations; project delivery methods including general contacting, construction management and design-build; contract types including lump sum, unit price, negotiated cost-plus-fixed-fee, and guaranteed maximum price; organizing the project and selecting a team; concept and scope review; establishing objectives; identifying potential issues; reviewing general conditions; determining project duration; identifying the critical path; planning the master schedule; allocating resources; utilizing controls; measuring performance; forecasting; reporting; and developing a Project Management Plan.

Register for COPM-0020

Construction Cost Estimating and Bidding Process COPM-0020/$645


Sec. 1: Online (self-paced). Registration for this self-paced course is currently open. The course will remain open to registered students until May 6, 2025. Instructor: Yasin Rahman

Examine the principles and techniques to effectively prepare a construction project estimate and price a job. Topics include types of estimates; planning and estimating procedures; design and constructability review; general conditions; predesign, conceptual and preliminary budgets; unit prices; lump-sum bids; direct and indirect costs; mark-up; overhead; profit; bonds; insurance; the bidding process; the bid package; subcontractor qualification; bid solicitation; bid leveling and notification; bid analysis; and final bid price and award.

Register for COPM-0030

Construction Project Planning and Scheduling COPM-0030/$645


Sec. 1: Online (self-paced). Registration for this self-paced course is currently open. The course will remain open to registered students until May 6, 2025. Course access begins Mar. 11 2025. Instructor: Z. Secilmis

Learn how to plan, develop and update a construction project schedule using a variety of network-based scheduling principles and tools. Topics include identifying construction activities; determining activity duration; sequencing activities and developing the network; critical path method (CPM); float; manpower and resource allocation; time/cost analysis; and budgets and schedule controls. MicroSoft Project scheduling software will be used in this course.

Register for COPM-0040

Construction Budgets and Cost Management COPM-0040/$645


Sec. 1: Online (self-paced). Registration for this self-paced course is currently open. The course will remain open to registered students until May 6, 2025. Instructor: Trevor Munson

Examine the principles and practices of project budget development and cost control to establish and manage a budget, and effectively assess a project’s financial performance throughout its lifecycle. Topics include the detailed cost estimate; the final project budget; pre-construction process; project schedule; cost accounts; cost allocation; direct and indirect costs; overhead; financial risk mitigation; contingency; cash flow analysis; change orders; variances; earned value analysis; cost-to-complete; percent-complete; and cost-at-completion.

Register for COPM-0050

Construction Field Operations and Management COPM-0050/$645


Sec. 1: Online (self-paced). Registration for this self-paced course is currently open. The course will remain open to registered students until May 6, 2025. Instructor: Tom Amoia

Learn to manage field related operations on a construction jobsite by studying the responsibilities of the project superintendent. Topics include site preparation, site logistics, and mobilization; temporary facilities and services; code compliance and permits; contract drawings, specifications, and coordination of trades; shop drawings and cut sheets; scope of work; suppliers and material control; field reporting and record keeping; Requests for Information; change order management; testing and quality control; inspection requirements; scheduling and coordinating project activities; cost and manpower responsibilities; labor union requirements and relationships; site safety coordination; security; community relations; punch lists; Certificates of Occupancy; and leadership, ethics, communication, and personnel management.