Students walking at Lincoln Center campus in the fall

About Fordham

Wisdom, experience, ethics, critical thinking, creative problem-solving. This is what Fordham students take into the world.

We’re a Jesuit, Catholic university. Our spirit comes from the nearly 500-year history of the Jesuits.

It’s the spirit of full-hearted engagement—with profound ideas, with communities around the world, with injustice, with beauty, with the entirety of the human experience.

This is what makes us Fordham: We’re a tight community in New York City, and we value and educate the whole person. Much of our Jesuit history and mission comes down to three ideas, which, translated from the Latin, mean roughly this:

  • Strive for excellence in everything you do.
  • Care for others.
  • Fight for justice.

It adds up to an education that works.

Two student interns look at photos taken at a youth soccer game for social media

Why We Choose Fordham: New York City

New York is also an incubator for innovation and inclusive growth. It’s where people come to encounter and bridge differences. To put their potential into motion. It's where one moment can transform everything.

Keating Hall on the Rose Hill campus

As the Jesuit University of New York, we seek and attract bright, engaged students from every corner of the Earth—and welcome them into a community where they develop the intelligence and integrity to make the world a better place.

- Tania Tetlow, President of Fordham University

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