Research Opportunities for Undergraduates at the Calder Center
Calder Summer Undergraduate Research (CSUR) Program
A Program Overview
Our CSUR program is designed to provide undergraduates with an opportunity to conduct an independent research project within one of the Calder Center's research labs. Under the guidance of a strong mentorship community of faculty and graduate students, the student will conduct research that connects with the larger research goal of the lab.
Undergraduates receive a $5,000 stipend and free on-site housing. This program typically runs for 10 weeks, early-June through mid-August.
Not Your Typical Summer Internship
Work closely with ecologists at the Calder Center, Fordham’s biological field station near the village of Armonk, NY, in a hilly, wooded region of northern Westchester County. The 113-acre site includes forests, streams, and a 10-acre lake. Learn more about the Louis Calder Center.
Gain Direct Experience in Research
In the 10-week intensive program, you will gain experience in all aspects of a research project.
- Literature review
- Experimental design & proposal writing
- Collecting and analyzing data
- Presenting results
In addition, you will attend short courses on conducting ecological field studies and data analysis.
The effects of the timing of heat stress on Brassica rapa fast plants.
Effects of road salt on the presence of indicator diatoms.
Effect of leaf litter source on larval mosquito abundance and diversity.
Phosphorus dynamics in the Colorado River.
Distribution of the Asian longhorned tick at the Calder Center: an invasive species becomes established.
Moisture and temperature conditions of Brassica rapa fast plant seeds affect plant growth and development
Patterns of Didymosphenia geminata abundance on the Colorado River.
Vector ecology, Lyme disease – Thomas J. Daniels, Calder Center Director, Associate Research Scientist
Medical entomology, West Nile Virus ecology Richard C. Falco, Associate Research Scientist
Behavioral, Physiological and Biochemical Adaptations of Mammals – Craig Frank, Associate Professor
Plant Ecology and Evolution – Steven Franks, Professor
Plant and Microbial Community and Ecosystem Ecology – J.D. Lewis, Professor
Aquatic Ecology, Ecology and Physiology of Algae – John D. Wehr, Professor