Official Transcript Online Ordering FAQs
Learn about ordering your official transcript online
Skip to Topics
- Overview
- Submitting Your Request
- eTranscript Content
- eTranscript Security
- After You Submit
- Troubleshooting
1. Who is eligible to order an official transcript online?
All Fordham University students and alumni who attended (completed all of their coursework) after 1990 or at Marymount College from Fall 2002 and later are eligible to order an official transcript online through the National Student Clearinghouse.
2. I attended Fordham prior to 1990 or Marymount College prior to Fall 2002; how can I request a transcript?
Students who attended (completed any of their coursework) at the University prior to 1990, or at Marymount College prior to Fall 2002, must use this Transcript Request Form and submit it to the Office of Academic Records. Such transcripts cannot be delivered electronically, and can only be delivered via mail (regular or express).
3. To whom can I have an official transcript sent?
Official transcripts (for students who completed all of their coursework at Fordham University after 1990 or at Marymount College after Fall 2002) can be sent electronically or via mail. A number of mail options are available when requesting transcripts from the National Student Clearinghouse. You will be able to choose to have your transcript sent to the following types of recipients:
- College or University
- Education Organization, Application Organization and Scholarships
- Employer or Other
- Yourself (see note below)
Official transcripts may be released directly to a student only on an exception basis and at the University's discretion. Please keep in mind that some organizations will not accept an official transcript if it comes directly from the student; please confirm with the organization before requesting a transcript to be sent directly to you.
4. Where do I go to order an official transcript online?
If you still have access to the portal, go to your "Students" page under "My Pages," and click the button on the top titled "Order Transcript." You will then be taken to a National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) landing page where you can access the transcript request.
If you no longer have access (or never had access) to the portal, go to this link:
5. What is the National Student Clearinghouse?
The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization. It is the leading provider of educational reporting, data exchange, verification, and research services. Higher education institutions across the country use the NSC for transcript processing services.
Submitting Your Request
1. Can my official transcript be sent directly to an application service, like AMCAS or LSAC?
Yes. Select “Education Organization, Application Organization, and Scholarships” as your recipient type, and search for the relevant application service. You may be prompted to enter in identification numbers relevant to the application service you choose.
2. How much does an official transcript cost?
Official transcripts sent electronically or via USPS First-Class Mail (U.S. only) are provided at no charge to students and alumni. For express and specialty mailing services, the following fees apply. Where fees apply, the fee is charged on a per-recipient basis. Per-copy fees do not apply for multiple copies sent to the same recipient. These fees are subject to change at any time, with or without notice.
Effective 7/1/2024, the fees are as follows:
Delivery Method | Per-Recipient Fee |
USPS Certified First-Class Mail (U.S. only) | $18.90 |
Express U.S. (via USPS or UPS) | $52.00 |
USPS International First-Class Mail | $11.90 |
Express Canada/Mexico (via USPS or UPS) | $69.20 |
Express International (all other countries, via USPS or UPS) | $88.90 |
3. Is there a limit to how many official transcripts I can request?
For electronic transcripts, there is a limit of 1 copy per recipient, with a maximum of 10 recipients per request. For mailed transcripts, there is a limit of 10 copies per recipient, with a maximum of 10 recipients per request.
4. Can I pick up a hard copy transcript?
No, pick up service is not available.
5. Can I attach any documents to be sent with my official transcript?
Yes, you can attach up to three (3) documents with your transcript request. Please note that all transcript requests submitted with attachments must be reviewed by Academic Records staff, which will add 2-3 business days to the processing time of your request. Review of attachment documents is only conducted during normal business hours when the University is open. If your attachment(s) are over 8.5" x 11," and you request to have your transcript mailed, your attachment(s) will be resized by the print vendor. The University is not liable for any image distortion that may occur as part of this resizing, so we recommend that you properly resize attachments prior to submission.
6. How do I submit a transcript request if I do not have a Social Security Number and do not recall my Fordham ID number?
Provided you completed all of your coursework at Fordham after 1990, in this case, you should contact the IT Service Desk at (718) 817-3999 and request their assistance in gaining access to your portal, which has both your Fordham ID number listed, as well as a direct link to official transcript online ordering. If you still are unable to gain access to your Fordham ID number, you may submit the Transcript Request Form to the Office of Academic Records.
7. I am using the Fordham mobile app to access the transcript ordering link through the portal, but I am receiving an error message. What should I do?
If this issue occurs, press and hold on the link in the Student page and choose the option to open the link in a new window.
8. If my name includes a suffix, like Jr., Sr., IV, should I include that after my last (family) name when requesting a transcript?
To ensure efficient processing, it is important that the name you use when submitting your request matches the name on file with the University. For that reason, if your name has a suffix, the simplest way to confirm whether your name as it is registered with the University. To do so, go to your "Student Profile" on the portal. To do so, go to the Student Tab, and under the "Student Services" box, click "Student Services Dashboard," and then "Student Profile." You will see your full name at the top of the page.
9. My first (given) or last (family) name has more than one word (i.e. Mary Grace, Armstrong-Jones); what should I use for my transcript request?
To ensure efficient processing, it is important that the name you use when submitting your request matches the name on file with the University. For that reason, you may wish to confirm how your name as it is registered with the University. To do so, go to your "Student Profile" on My.Fordham. To do so, go to the Student Tab, and under the "Student Services" box, click "Student Services Dashboard," and then "Student Profile." You will see your full name at the top of the page.
10. I need to send my transcript to a specific office at Fordham (i.e. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Admissions); how can I do so?
To send your transcript to a specific office at Fordham, follow these steps:
Step 1: Choose "Fordham University" as the Recipient.
Step 2: Choose the name of the department/office to which you are sending the transcript. If the relevant office is is not in the list, select "Not in List" and proceed to Step 3 (otherwise, no further action is needed).
Step 3: Enter the "Department Name" at Fordham where the transcript should be sent.
Step 4: Later on in the process, you will be prompted to provide the specific e-mail address/mailing address at Fordham to which the transcript should be sent.
Transcript Content
1. If I attended multiple Fordham colleges/schools, will my transcript show coursework from all of them?
When submitting your transcript request, you will be able to choose from two transcript types:
- Undergraduate/Graduate
- Law School
Undergraduate/Graduate transcripts include coursework from all undergraduate and graduate colleges/schools, including continuing education courses. Such transcripts do not include Law School coursework.
Law School transcripts do not include any undergraduate/graduate coursework (or non-law continuing education) but include all Law School coursework (including Law School continuing education).
If you attended both the Law School and another Fordham college/school, and need a transcript of both your Law and non-Law coursework, you will need to submit separate requests (Undergraduate/Graduate and Law School). You can have both an Undergraduate/Graduate and Law School transcript sent as part of the same request. If you entered your request for Undergraduate/Graduate first, for example, you would then need to use the “Add Recipient” option to add a Law School transcript to your request (and indicate the proper recipient).
2. How do I know if my recently-earned degree(s) are listed as awarded on my transcript?
Degrees are awarded several times throughout the year, following the conclusion of the Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters. The exact time at which students’ transcripts will indicate the awarding of a degree can vary based on a number of circumstances, so recent graduates submitting a transcript request should always check their unofficial transcript on the portal (Student Tab > My Information > Student Records > Academic Transcript > Unofficial Grad/Undergrad Trans > Submit)prior to submitting an official transcript request, to ensure their earned degree(s) has/have been updated.
3. How do I know if all of my course grades will be on my transcript?
Course grades are due from faculty several days after each course’s final exam, but the timing can vary based on a number of circumstances. Students submitting an official transcript request, who are looking to have their most recent grades recorded on it, should always check their unofficial transcript on My.Fordham (Student Tab > My Information > Student Records > Academic Transcript > Unofficial Grad/Undergrad Trans > Submit) prior to submitting an official transcript request, to ensure their grades have posted. Alternatively, you can select the “After Grades Are Posted” option (described below) to have your transcript sent automatically once all of your grades have been posted.
4. Can I submit my official transcript request now, and have it automatically sent when all of my grades have been posted?
Yes, if you are currently enrolled in coursework for a current or future semester at the time you submit your request, you can select the “After Grades Are Posted” option and the relevant semester under the question “When do you want your transcript processed?” If you select this option, the system will check on a regular basis for all of your grades in the semester specified to be posted. Once all grades in the specified semester have posted, your request will be sent.
Transcript Security
1. How secure is an electronic transcript?
To learn more about the numerous security features of electronic transcripts, visit the National Student Clearinghouse’s website.
2. Can I email an electronic transcript to myself and share that document with others?
The electronic PDF transcript is meant to act as an official transcript when sent directly to the intended recipient. Thus, it is crucial that you have the transcript sent directly to the intended recipient, whether an individual, organization, institution, etc. Electronic transcripts forwarded from one party to another are not deemed official.
3. How secure is a printed and mailed transcript?
Printed and mailed transcripts are generated in a secure FISMA and SOC2-compliant facility in the U.S., using secure paper and printing methods. Tamper-evident envelopes are also used.
4. Does an electronic transcript carry an official Fordham seal?
Electronic transcripts carry an official Fordham seal displayed as a watermark on each page with course/grade/degree information.
5. Does a printed and mailed transcript carry an official Fordham seal?
Printed and mailed transcripts (just like electronic ones) carry an official Fordham seal displayed as a watermark on each page with course/grade/degree information. Given their extensive security features, printed and mailed transcripts sent through the National Student Clearinghouse do not carry a physical (raised) Fordham seal.
After You Submit
1. How long does it take for my official transcript to be sent?
Provided that: (i) you have no holds on your record that prevent transcript release, (ii) the National Student Clearinghouse is able to match the identifying information you provided to your Fordham student record; (iii) you have not uploaded any attachments; and (iv) no system maintenance periods are ongoing, your transcript will be sent in the following timeframes:
- Electronic delivery: within 30-90 minutes
- Mail delivery: within one business day (delivery time varies by method chosen)
2. What factors will delay my official transcript being sent?
If you have holds on your record that prevent transcript release, you will not be permitted to submit a request. Follow the instructions that accompany the notification of the hold to resolve the issue.
If your request cannot be matched to your student record at the time of your order, further research will be needed by the Office of Academic Records to positively identify your student record. Such research will add approximately 2-3 business days to your request, and is only conducted during normal business hours when the University is open. If such research determines that your student record has a hold, you will receive an email notification informing you of the needed action.
Under no circumstances will a transcript be released if a student’s account has a hold that prevents transcript release.
3. How much time does my electronic transcript recipient have to download the document?
The emailed download link is only available to recipients for 30 days from the date on the email. Thereafter, the link will expire, and a new request must be sent.
4. How can I check the status of my transcript request?
You can track the status of your order by going to and entering your order number and email address. You will also receive several email confirmations, such as when your request has been received, when your transcript has been sent (electronically or by mail), and when your recipient has retrieved the transcript (for electronic delivery only). Text message notifications are also available.
5. Where fees apply, are refunds available in the event there is an issue with my request?
Once an order has been sent to the print vendor, it cannot be canceled or refunded. If your mailed transcript does not arrive to its intended destination, you should contact the National Student Clearinghouse and/or shipping carrier to have the matter investigated.
1. What happens if I request the incorrect type of transcript (i.e. selected “Law School” but never attended the Law School, or “Undergraduate/Graduate” but only attended the Law School)?
If this occurs, your request will submit successfully, but will fail to process once it reaches the University. If you make such an error, please resubmit your request with the proper transcript type, as the erroneous request will be canceled. Where fees apply, requestors are only charged for requests that fulfill successfully (i.e. the transcript is generated and sent, either electronically or to the print vendor).
2. I'm having difficulty (or my recipient is having difficulty) opening the secure PDF transcript; must a certain PDF viewer application be used?
Yes, for the electronic PDF transcript to load correctly, you must open it with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Even if Adobe Acrobat Reader is already installed on your computer, the transcript may be opening in another program. First, save your electronic PDF transcript to your computer’s hard drive. Then, open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Make sure you download the transcript and then open it separately. To open the transcript in Adobe Acrobat Reader after download, follow the below instructions.
For Windows:
Unless you chose a different location, the transcript file will be saved to the default location: “C:UsersXXX(UserName)Downloads.” First, click the start button. Then, find Adobe Acrobat Reader in the alphabetical list of programs and open it. Go to the file, then open, and then locate the transcript in the Downloads folder (or the location where you saved the transcript) and open it.
For Macs:
Your transcript file should be saved to your Downloads folder. First, go to your Applications and open Adobe Acrobat Reader. Go to the file in the top left corner of the screen. Select open, locate the transcript in the Downloads folder, and open it.
3. If I experience technical difficulties in requesting a transcript, whom should I contact?
For technical issues submitting your request, the National Student Clearinghouse offers extensive support. Consult their website for additional information. If the National Student Clearinghouse cannot resolve your issue, contact the IT Service Desk at 718-817-3999 or to create a ticket, which will be routed to the appropriate offices for prompt review and resolution.
4. When opening my PDF electronic transcript in Adobe Reader, my recipient sees a message indicating, "The validity of the document certification is UNKNOWN. The author could not be verified." How can this be resolved?
This is a known issue on some computers. As a workaround, to verify the authenticity of your PDF transcript, your recipient should manually update the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL) in their Adobe Acrobat application. To do so, please consult these instructions from GlobalSign, which issues the digital security certificates used for our National Student Clearinghouse electronic transcripts. It is also recommended that you have an Internet connection when opening a PDF transcript, and that your Adobe Acrobat application is up-to-date.
5. When trying to request a transcript through the National Student Clearinghouse site, I get a "403" error; what do I do?
If you encounter a "403" error when attempting to access the National Student Clearinghouse site (it may reference "CloudFront") your internet service provider may be blocking access to the Clearinghouse site. This very occasionally happens for requesters accessing the site from international locations. If you encounter this error and need assistance, please contact the Office of Academic Records at