Fordham Kiwanis

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. The Kiwanis Family is comprised of over 650,000 active members of all ages representing 80 nations, who work to help improve people's lives.

Fordham Kiwanis was chartered in 1989. Our club is composed of members from all areas of the Fordham community: administrators, faculty, staff, and alumni. We sponsor Circle K for college students at Rose Hill and support middle school students in Saint Ignatius School in the South Bronx as well as elementary school children at Fiorello LaGuardia PS205 in the Bronx. We also support the service projects undertaken by students enrolled in the Key Club at Fordham Prep.

Kiwanis International is one of the leading global community service organizations presently serving the health, education, and safety needs of children. 

If you would like to become a member or learn more about Fordham Kiwanis, please contact Dr. Rosemary DeJulio via email at

Kiwanis Motto

To serve the children of the world!

Download the Kiwanis International Fact Sheet

Kiwanis Values

Committed to the Six Objects, adopted in 1924, which are:

  • To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.
  • To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.
  • To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business, and professional standards.
  • To develop, by precept and example, more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship.
  • To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build better communities.
  • To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism making possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and goodwill.

Learn more about Kiwanis International, CKI- Circle K International, and the Builder's Clubs.