Pregnancy and Parenting Resources

The University encourages and supports the academic and professional success of pregnant and parenting students and employees. Fordham's non-discrimination policy specifically prohibits discrimination against those of marital or parental status, which includes on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery there from.

Complaints of Discrimination based upon pregnancy or parenting status:

Students should first address concerns with their individual professors. If unsatisfied with the faculty member’s response, then please contact the dean of your school with your concern.

Employees should contact the Office of Human Resources Management at [email protected] with any pregnancy or parenting related concerns.

Once you have attempted to resolve your concern with your dean’s office or Human Resources, you may also file a complaint with the Title IX Coordinator for the University:

Michele Burris
Vice President for Student Affairs and Interim Title IX Coordinator
Gender Equity and Title IX Office
Keating Hall, Room 100 | Rose Hill Campus
718-817-4750 | [email protected]

A discrimination complaint may also be filed with the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights.

Supporting the Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students

Reasonable accommodations may be needed to assist such students in order for them to continue their enrollment and course of study. However, students must still fulfill the required academic course, program, and or licensing requirements of any course or program.

Because the requirements for courses, programs, and schools at Fordham vary, the deans and faculty are typically in the best position to decide how students can make up missed work. 

  • Students who are pregnant and anticipate missing coursework due to pregnancy, giving birth, or recovery from childbirth should, if possible, inform their professors early in the course or program so that it may be easier for the professor to explore options to assist the student in completing your coursework.  Please note that not all requests for accommodations can be met.
  • Faculty are required to offer pregnant and parenting students reasonable accommodation in order to finish their coursework.  This may include viable alternatives or additional time to complete required course requirements.  It is at the individual faculty member’s discretion to determine what is considered a viable, reasonable accommodation. 

Lactation Rooms for Nursing Mothers

If you are a nursing mother and need a private space to express breast milk, the University will make reasonable efforts to make a private space on campus available to you. 

See the Fact Sheet for Nursing Mothers.

All Employees, in advance of their return to work, should inform their supervisor and the Office of Human Resources Management (718-817-4930) that they are requesting space to express breast milk.  The supervisor and the Office of Human Resources Management will work together to find an appropriate location.  

Lactation Room Locations


  • G03B – Ground floor

Lincoln Center

  • Martino Hall – Room 217 with a sink and refrigerator
  • 140 West 62nd (Gabelli)– G14A with a sink and refrigerator
  • 150 West 62nd (Law School) -Room 5-132 with a sink and a refrigerator

Rose Hill

  • Wellness Room 116 in McShane Center with small refrigerator. Reservations are managed by Student Involvement, [email protected] or 718.817.4339.
  • Cunniffe House – Room 204 with a sink and refrigerator