Request for Budget Transfer and Interdepartmental Expense Request
Request for Budget Transfer (Form 310)
The Request for Budget Transfer form is used when requesting a transfer of budget funds from one account to another within an organization to cover expenses that have already been incurred or in anticipation of additional expenses on a particular account code. It may also be used to reassign funding from one organization to another or to request an additional allotment of funds.
The current version of the form (dated 7-01-10) is divided into two sections:
- Request to Transfer Funds: Use when moving funds from one account code to another within an organization or from one organization to another.
- Request for Additional Departmental Budget Allocation: Use when requesting additional funding.
In general, it is allowable to transfer funds from one direct expense non-personnel account (codes 7100 to 7298) to another direct expense non-personnel account. It is also allowable to transfer funds from capital accounts (codes beginning with “81”) to other capital accounts. Funds may also be transferred from non-personnel account codes to capital account codes. However, it is generally not allowable to transfer funds from capital account codes to non-capital account codes.
Transfers from non-personnel lines to personnel lines are sometimes allowed but transfers from personnel lines to non-personnel lines are generally not allowed.
The budget code sections should include the complete Banner “FOAP” (5 digit fund, 5 digit organization, 4 digit account, and 2 digit program).
Following the “Request for Additional Departmental Allocation” section, there is a “Reason for Transfer or Additional Funds” space that must be completed for all types of requests. Additional support documentation may be attached.
Approvals: Section 1 requires the approval of the dean or the area vice president prior to submission to the Budget Office. Section 2 must be approved by the area vice president prior to submission to the Budget Office.
The form is currently produced in triplicate. All three copies of the form should be submitted to the Budget Office. One of the copies will be returned to the organization manager following entry in the financial system.
Questions regarding the Budget Transfer form should be addressed to Gloria Guzman, FMH 417, Ext. 4982 or Carol Murabito, Budget Office, FMH 418, Ext. 3182.
Interdepartmental Expense Request (Form 210)
The Interdepartmental Expense Request (Expense Transfer) form is used to charge one budget for an expense and credit another budget.
For example, if a check request is submitted with a wrong code or there is a data entry error, the expense request transfer enables the correction by authorizing a debit to the budget that should have been charged and a credit to the budget that was charged in error. It may also be used to charge one department for a service and credit the department providing the service. Supporting documentation should be attached as needed. The top copy of the form should be sent to Mr. Jeremy Slatken, Associate Controller, FMH 525. The yellow copy should be retained by the department being charged and the pink copy should be retained by the department being credited.
Questions regarding the status of Interdepartmental Expense Requests should be directed to Mr. Jeremy Slatken, Associate Controller, Ext 4974.