Ram Print Center Price List
The Fordham Ram Print's Price List provides for accurate estimates on most orders with accurate specifications. Estimates may no longer be valid if the order specifications change, or if the order is submitted well past the original estimate date. If you do not want final costs to exceed the estimates, check with us before making any changes to your order.
Our prices are designed to be competitive with commercial outlets (such as Staples, FedEx/Kinkos etc.) and are generally lower than external vendors. If external vendors can offer you materials at rates below ours, please bring proof of such intent and we will try to facilitate the request at the lower rate.
Prices are for postscript or application files that require NO operator intervention. Digital Assistance is charged at the rate of $40/hour with an hour minimum.
Be advised that all departmental copy machines under the University Procurement Program are billed at $.05 per copy / print and this includes the copier, copier service, toner and supplies, staple wire and all standard paper sizes, including pastel color paper.
All prices are “Per Impression.”
Prices are for postscript or application files that require no operator intervention. Digital Assistance is charged at the rate of $40/hour with an hour minimum.
20 lb. White Paper (8 1/2 x 11) $ .05/copy 20 lb. White Paper (8 1/2 x 14) $ .05/copy 20 lb. White Paper (11x17) $ .10/copy We use 28lb. White paper and NEW, FASTER Canon Color Copiers. Quantities over 2,500 call any FDC for special pricing.
Prices are for postscript or application files that require no operator intervention. Digital Assistance is charged at the rate of $40/hour with an hour minimum.
Digital & Regular Color Copy (8 1/2 x 11) $.20/copy Digital & Regular Color Copy (8 1/2 x 14) $.20/copy Digital & Regular Color Copy (11x17) $.40/copy 3 Hole Punches (8 1/2 x 11) Add $ .01 Color Paper (All Sizes) Add $ .02 Fordham Second Sheet (Ivory) Add $ .06 Fordham Second Sheet (White) Add $ .06 White or Color Card Stock Add $ .05 Lamination (8 1/2x 11) $3.00 ea Lamination (8 1/2 x 14) $3.00 ea Lamination (11 x 17) $6.00 ea Folding (All Paper Sizes) $ .01 ea Cutting $1.00 / cut Thermal Binding Narrow $2.50 ea Thermal Binding Medium $2.50 ea Thermal Binding Wide $2.50 ea GBC Binding Narrow $2.85 ea GBC Binding Medium $2.85 ea GBC Binding Wide $2.85 ea Our IPF 8400S Printer uses paper that is a maximum of 36” wide. Wide format printing is available at the Rose Hill and Westchester campuses.
Foam Laminate Board $24 (does not include the cost of the 2’x3’ poster) Regular ‘Semi-Gloss’ Paper $6 per sq. ft. Vinyl with Adhesive for ‘Wall Graphics’ $8 per sq. ft. Canvas for Banners $9 per sq. ft.