New Application

Cardholder Agreement

As a designated cardholder for the Fordham University Corporate Card Program, you agree to comply with the Corporate Card Policy and agree to comply as well with the following responsibilities: 

1. I hereby agree to comply with all program policies and procedures outlined within the  Corporate Card Policy and the terms and conditions defined below. I understand the card is for university-approved business purchases only, and I agree not to charge for personal purchases.  

2. Willful misuse of this card (including personal purchases) can be considered a misappropriation of university funds. This may result in disciplinary action.  

3. If the card is lost or stolen, I will immediately notify J.P. Morgan Bank by telephone at 1-800- 316-6056. I will also notify the University Corporate Card Administrator via email of any lost or stolen card.  

4. I agree to surrender the card immediately upon termination of employment, whether for retirement, voluntary or involuntary reasons.  

5. I will comply with sound internal auditing control procedures for all card purchases. This includes uploading all receipts and related transaction backup to the appropriate card transactions within Concur, maintaining a record of business purpose, purchase authorization, accounting code reconciliation, etc., and proper record retention. I understand that failure to do so may result in suspension of card privileges.  

6. I understand the card is not necessarily provided to all employees. The card assignment is based on my need to make approved business purchases for my department. My card may be revoked based on a change of assignment or location.  

To apply, click the link below and complete the short application process:

Apply Now

The card will be delivered to the Strategic Sourcing office. It takes approximately 5-7 business days, and we will contact you once your card arrives.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Strategic Sourcing 718-817-4910 or