Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE)

Fordham has joined the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), a research-practice partnership led by Harvard’s Graduate School of Education. COACHE provides Fordham with another means to inform strategies aimed at improving faculty recruitment, satisfaction, success, and retention. In Spring 2024, Fordham faculty responded to a comprehensive COACHE survey on the academic workplace. Results from that survey are now available.

The Office of the Provost has appointed a Steering Committee to review the survey data, suggest ways to share the results, and propose short- and long-term priorities through which the administration can address faculty concerns expressed in the survey. Representatives from the Steering Committee, supported by the Office of Faculty Affairs, will begin engaging with faculty at the school level through the Spring 2025 semester. Information about the COACHE Survey, the steering committee, and updates on their work, will be posted to this website.

Any member of the Fordham community is invited to contact the COACHE Steering Committee by emailing