COACHE Steering Committee

Meet the COACHE Steering Committee

The following members of the faculty are members of the COACHE Steering Committee:

Ji Seon Lee, Chair Daniel Contreras Jennifer Cooper Hooman Estelami
Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Interim Dean, Graduate School of Education Associate Professor of English Assistant Professor of School Psychology, Graduate School of Education Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Business
Lauri Goldkind  Benjamin Segal
Laura Specker Sullivan
Professor of Social Work, Graduate School of Social Science Associate Professor Accounting and Taxation, Gabelli School of Business
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Arts & Sciences (Faculty Life Committee)

The Steering Committee will be supported by Jeannine Pinto, Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, who will provide analytical support, and Bill Colona, Special Assistant to the Provost, who will provide resources to, and assist this committee.

The COACHE Steering Committee may be reached by emailing Bill at