Chapter Eight: Departments and Interdisciplinary Programs
§3-08.01 - Authority of Departments
Departments are academic units which are responsible for the organization and operation of the academic program in a particular subject area. In those Schools in which Departments have been established, the faculty of the Department consists of those faculty who have received appointments to the Department. The faculty of a Department has a collective responsibility for the academic program and curricula of the Department. For this reason, the faculty of the Department has a primary responsibility in matters of faculty appointment, reappointment, tenure and promotion in accordance with the relevant sections of these statutes. Accordingly, the Chairperson and or representative of the appropriate Department or Unit shall be consulted by the administration before any decision is reached regarding authorization to add, continue or eliminate a faculty line. (In these statutes the term Department shall be interpreted so as to include also Institutes which function as Departments.)
§3-08.02 - The Chairperson of the Department
One member of the faculty of the Department shall serve as Chairperson and as such shall be the administrative officer of the Department. The Chairperson shall be responsible for the administration of the affairs of the Department and provide leadership in the development and maintenance of excellence in the Department's programs. The Chairperson shall administer the Department in a manner consistent with the relevant statutes of the University and in accordance with policies and procedures established by the Faculty or School and by the Department itself [see §4-06.50]. In the Graduate School of Social Service, one member of the faculty of each curriculum area shall serve as Chairperson of the Area.
§3-08.03 - Interdisciplinary Programs. The provisions of this section are applicable to the Liberal Arts faculty.
An Interdisciplinary Program is an academic unit specifically designated as such by the Arts and Sciences Council with the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. It is responsible for the organization and operation of the academic program in an inter-disciplinary subject area. Where Interdisciplinary Programs have been established, the Interdisciplinary faculty are those who have been appointed to the Interdisciplinary Program Committee. The Director of an Interdisciplinary Program Committee is nominated by members of the Interdisciplinary Committee, is appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, upon the recommendation of the Dean of the Arts and Sciences Faculty after consultation with the Dean(s) of the College(s) for a three-year term, and receives a stipend and/or course reduction as appropriate to the size of the program and the burden of the tasks involved in managing the program.
§3-08.04 - Schools of Business
In Article Four of the University Statutes, the terms Department and Department Chairpersons shall be interpreted so as to include the areas in the Schools of Business and their Chairpersons.