Chapter Five: The Dean
§3-05.01 - The Responsibilities of Deans
The principal administrator of a School or College shall be a Dean. There shall also be a Dean of the Summer Session. It is the responsibility of the Dean to administer the programs of the School, implementing the academic policies of the University as they apply to the School, as well as the policies established by the School. The Dean shall exert leadership in the pursuit of the objectives of the School and shall collaborate with the faculty of the School, and where appropriate with student representatives. Specifically, the Dean shall make recommendations on all matters of faculty status for faculty in his/her School, shall make determinations concerning the academic status of the students, shall prepare the budget for the School and shall represent the School in consultations with administrators of the University. The Dean in academic matters reports to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. A Dean in addition to his/her administrative position may hold faculty status in a School or Department of the University. The Dean's faculty status is determined by the usual policies and procedures concerning faculty appointment and tenure.
§3-05.02 - The Appointment of Deans
Deans shall be appointed by the President of the University with the concurrence of the Board of Trustees. When a vacancy in the position of Dean exists, the Vice-President for Academic Affairs shall appoint a Committee, consisting in substantial part of faculty of the relevant school chosen so as to be representative of the entire faculty by reasonable criteria, to make recommendations concerning the appointment of a Dean. The Committee shall make its recommendations to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs who will submit these recommendations together with his/her own to the President of the University. Except in rare cases and for compelling reasons, no decanal appointment will be made over the expressed opposition of the faculty members of the Committee.
§3-05.03 - Dean of a Faculty
Where there is a faculty group having responsibilities in more than one School or College of the University, a Dean of a Faculty may be appointed. The Dean of a Faculty shall be appointed by the President of the University with the concurrence of the Board of Trustees. When a vacancy in the position of a Dean of a Faculty exists, the Vice-President for Academic Affairs shall appoint a Committee, consisting in substantial part of the faculty of the relevant Schools or Colleges, chosen so as to be representative of the entire faculty by reasonable criteria, to make recommendations concerning the appointment of a Dean of a Faculty. The Committee shall make its recommendations to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs who will submit these recommendations together with his/her own to the President of the University. Except in rare cases and for compelling reasons, no appointment of a Dean of a Faculty will be made over the expressed opposition of the majority of the faculty members of the Committee.
§3-05.04 - Responsibilities of Dean of a Faculty
- The Dean of a Faculty shall have the responsibility for providing leadership in the development of the faculties of the Schools or Colleges for which he/she is accountable. This shall include providing the opportunity for the professional and academic development of the faculty both individually and collectively. In all these matters, the Dean of a Faculty shall work closely with the Deans, Chairpersons, and faculty.
- The Dean of a Faculty shall have administrative responsibility for all matters of faculty status, i.e., appointment, reappointment, promotion, tenure, salaries, leaves, etc., in accordance with the policies and procedures specified in these Statutes. In all these matters, the Dean of a Faculty shall solicit the recommendations of the Deans of the Schools or Colleges, and shall submit their recommendations together with his/her own to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
- The Dean of a Faculty shall have joint administrative responsibility with the respective Deans for budget considerations within the Schools or Colleges under his/her jurisdiction.
- In all matters, the Dean of a Faculty shall work with the Deans and their several Departments for the maintenance and further growth of excellence in education.
§3-05.05 - Associate or Assistant Dean
Associate or Assistant Deans may be appointed by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs upon recommendation of the Dean. An Assistant or Associate Dean shall be appointed for a one-year term. An Assistant or Associate Dean shall have those responsibilities assigned to him/her by the Dean.