Chapter Six: School or Faculty Councils
§3-06.01 - The Role of School and Faculty Councils
- Each College or School of the University shall have a Council which shall have responsibility for formulating academic policies for the School or College. The Constitution or statutes of each Council are effective only upon approval by the Board of Trustees. The policies established by the Council must be in accordance with University policies and are subject to review by the Board of Trustees. Actions of the Councils are to be transmitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- The Arts and Sciences Council is responsible for formulating recommendations on and coordinating academic policies for the Arts and Sciences Schools of Fordham University.
§3-06.02 - Composition of School or Faculty Councils
- The Council of a School shall consist of all the faculty of the School or of representatives of the faculty. The Councils may include administrators of the School and shall either include students as members or otherwise provide for adequate consultation with students in matters of School policies. The Dean may be a member of the School Council and its Chairperson.
- The Council of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, however, shall consist of the Chairpersons of the Departments of the Graduate School, ex officio.
- The Arts and Sciences Council will consist of the following members:
- All members of the Arts and Sciences faculty, represented by the Chairs of each of the Departments. Each Department shall have a designated substitute who will represent the faculty of the Department when the Chair cannot attend a Council meeting.
- Directors of Interdisciplinary Committees of the Arts and Sciences Schools (or their delegates) will represent their programs and have voice on the Council. Representatives from a) the two single-campus programs at both Fordham College at Rose Hill and Fordham College at Lincoln Center, and b) the two bi-campus programs, which graduated the largest number of students in the preceding two years, shall have the same voting privileges as Department Chairpersons.
- The College Councils of Fordham College at Lincoln Center and Fordham College at Rose Hill shall each elect two members of the Arts and Sciences Faculty to serve on the Arts and Sciences Council.
- A student representative from each of the four Arts and Sciences Schools, normally the President of the School’s Student Government organization, or, otherwise, a student elected by the Student Government to be the School’s representative. The Student Government will elect a regular substitute who will represent students when the regular member cannot attend Council meetings. In the case of Fordham College at Rose Hill, the representative will be the President of the Senior Class, or the President’s delegate.
- The term of office for all student representatives shall be one academic year.
- The Dean of the Arts and Sciences Faculty, who shall serve, ex officio, as the Chair of the Council; the designee of the Dean of Faculty, who will serve as Secretary to the Council.
- The Deans of the four Arts and Sciences Schools, who also constitute, with the Dean of the Arts and Sciences Faculty, the Council of Arts and Sciences Deans.