Festival of Lessons and Carols
The 2024 Festival of Lessons and Carols

The Fordham University Choir
The Fordham University Schola Cantorum
Robert A. Minotti, Conductor
Kenneth Farnum, Pianist
Anthony Rispo, Organist
No tickets or registration required.
Don't miss this annual tradition of joyous music, dance, and reflection!
For more information, visit Ministry of Music.
The sixty voice University Choir is a select mixed ensemble comprised of students from the University’s Rose Hill (Concert Choir) and Lincoln Center (Chamber Singers) campuses.The Choir keeps a full performance schedule that includes five campus concerts and an annual tour. The Choir often performs at various venues in the New York metropolitan area, including Carnegie Hall, the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Highlights of each choir season include the Family Weekend Mass, the Festival of Lessons and Carols each December, and the Spring Concert, which features a major choral work with orchestra. Past performances include Handel’s Messiah, Bach’s Magnificat, and Mozart’s Requiem. The Choir has performed in many major U.S. cities, such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. Internationally, the Choir has performed in Canada, Italy, and Spain. Membership is by audition. Students receive ensemble credit.
Director: Robert Minotti
Campus: Rose Hill & Lincoln Center
Type of Ensemble: Performance - mixed voices
Membership: 65-80
Who are we?
We are students from the Rose Hill and Lincoln Center campuses.
What do we do?
- Perform at concerts and events
- 5 campus concerts (Rose Hill and Lincoln Center)
- Major Choral Work in the Spring
- Annual Tour
- University Events (Founder's Dinner, Baccalaureate, Commencement, and more)
- Athletic Games
What type of music do we sing?
We sing sacred and secular music from the Choral Tradition accompanied by Piano or Orchestra.
When do we rehearse?
Rose Hill: Mondays and Wednesdays 5:30-7:00 PM
Lincoln Center: Thursdays 12:00-2:00 PM
Extra Rehearsals on Concert Weekends
Follow us on Instagram!
Women's Choir
The Fordham University Women’s Choir focuses on development of the female voice, both technically and artistically. It also strives to introduce its members to literature from all music history eras and genres. Membership to this ensemble is open to students from both the Rose Hill and Lincoln Center campuses. Membership is by audition. Students receive ensemble credit.
Director: Stephen Fox
Campus: Rose Hill
Type of Ensemble: Performance - Women's Voices
Membership: 45-50
Who are we?
We are students from the Rose Hil and Lincoln Center Campuses.
What do we do?
Perform 5 campus concerts (Rose Hill & Lincoln Center)
What type of music do we sing?
Varied repetoire of choral music arranged for women's voices accompanied by Piano or Orchestra.
When do we rehearse?
Tuesday 7:00-9:00 PM, Rose Hill Campus