Muslim Life

Welcome to Muslim Life

Our Mission

The Muslim Life on Campus at Fordham University seeks to provide a welcoming and nurturing environment that promotes Islamic values, knowledge, and practices. Through educational programs, interfaith dialogues, social activities, and community service, we aim to cultivate a deepened understanding of Islam, foster meaningful relationships, and contribute positively to the university and broader community. Our mission is to empower students to integrate their faith into their academic and personal lives, preparing them to be ethical leaders and engaged citizens in a diverse world.

Our Vision

To foster a vibrant and inclusive Muslim community at Fordham University, a home away from home, where students, faculty, and staff feel empowered, supported, and inspired to grow spiritually, academically, and socially in accordance with Islamic principles.

two muslims students wearing a turban smiling

Muslims worshipping and praying on a yoga mat

Community Building

Group of 5 women smiling and making a heart with their hand


Connect with fellow Muslim students and build lasting friendships through social events, interfaith dialogues, and community service projects.

Support and Advocacy

students clapping


Receive guidance and support in navigating campus life while staying true to your faith. Our Campus Ministry team is here to advocate for your needs and ensure an inclusive environment.