Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any other questions about the retreat ministry or would just like to talk over which retreat experience might be best for you, please contact us, and we'll be happy to tell you more! 

Headshot of employee with green shirt and red hair

Our Director:

Stephanie Roddy
Spiritual Retreat Ministries

McShane Campus Center

CMCE Suite 215
[email protected]

What are retreats? 
  • Retreats are a one-weekend getaway with the intention of pausing, reflecting, connecting to spirituality, creating community, and having a good time away from school! Each retreat is different, with a different theme or purpose. 
Who can go on retreats? 
  • Retreats are open to people of all years at Fordham and all gender identities, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, faith backgrounds, and abilities.
Do you have to be religious to go on retreats? 
  • No! Retreats are for everyone, wherever you are in your faith journey. We connect to spirituality through prayer, journaling, individual reflection time, small groups, and other activities, and invite you to participate however you feel comfortable. 
Where do retreats take place? 
  • We have our very own retreat house in Goshen, NY! It is a beautiful, large house tucked away in the woods, perfect for a refreshing getaway from the city. 
How do I sign up for retreats?