Spiritual and Pastoral Ministries
Explore your Faith and Spirituality

Fordham Campus Ministry is a place where students, faculty, and staff can find opportunities to explore their faith and spirituality and contemplate life’s bigger questions.
We offer many retreats at our beautiful retreat house, about an hour from campus in Goshen, NY. We hope that during your time here, you will be inspired to step back and reflect on your life. Students of many faith traditions and value systems have found peace and solitude, which has led them to a deeper understanding of their core beliefs.
In addition to a full array of retreats, we accompany students on their spiritual journeys. College can be a challenging time when students explore their faith and spirituality. Our Campus Ministers are skilled at listening to the needs and concerns of students as they wrestle with their beliefs and personal struggles. We are available for pastoral conversations and spiritual direction and we hope you will feel free to let us know how we can support you on your journey.
Sometimes, students will experience the illness or death of a family member or friend. These times can be very painful and challenging. Campus Ministry offers a safe space to navigate the painful experience of loss with the many feelings and emotions that surface. Several of our Campus Ministers are available to lend a listening ear and emotional and spiritual support for members of the Fordham community who are grieving.
Along with retreats and spiritual accompaniment, Campus Ministry offers a variety of prayer and meditation resources, such as small student-led faith groups and Ignatian yoga. We hope that you will stretch yourself and try new ways of getting in touch with your spirituality.
We look forward to meeting you and to helping you to grow in spirit!