Ignatian Mission Initiatives

Uniting Head, Heart and Hands

Fordham University's educational and spiritual philosophy stems from the legacy of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuit order. Our shared mission is centered on the person's holistic development of body, mind and soul. My role is to help our University community better understand, animate and operationalize this distinctive mission as contemplatives-in-action. Through workshops, training, shared meals, conversations, community service engagements, reflections and varied and diverse programming, we follow the nearly 500-year-old Jesuit tradition of engaging the head (intellect/curiosity/imagination), heart (beliefs/character/values) and hands (on-the-ground actions). This Ignatian charism of educating women and men for others works to transform the world by integrating intellect, spirituality, ethics, and public service for the betterment of all - one soul at a time. Check out our offerings below as a partner in our shared mission. Thank you.

Robert J. Parmach, Ph.D.
Director of Ignatian Mission
Email: [email protected] 
Phone: (212)-636-6268

"That which makes you feel the most alive in what you do is where God is."

- St. Ignatius of Loyola