Suggested Wedding Music
- Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, Bach
- Arioso, Bach
- Air from Water Music, Handel
- Canon in D major, Pachelbel
- Air on the G String, Bach
- Trumpet Voluntary, Stanley
- Canon in D Major, Pachelbel
- Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, Bach
- Trumpet Voluntary, Clarke
- Rigaudon, Campra
- Prelude from Te Deum, Charpentier
- 89 “Forever I will sing, the goodness of the Lord”
- 34 “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord”
- 33 “The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord”
- 103 “The Lord is kind and merciful”
- 118 “This is the day the Lord has made”
- Plainchant
- Celtic Alleluia, O’Carroll
- The Call, R.V. Williams
- The Gift of Love, arranged by Hopson
- Lord of All Hopefulness, Gaelic Melody
- May Love Be Ours, Joncas
- Wherever You Go, Norbet
- I Have Loved You, Joncas
(Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation, Amen)
- Community Mass, Proulx
- Mass of Creation, Haugen
- One Bread, One Body, Foley, SJ
- Gift of Finest Wheat, Westendorf
- Panis Angelicus (solo), Franck
- Taste and See, Willcock, SJ
- Ave Maria, Schubert
- Ave Maria, Bach/Gounod
- Allegro Maestoso, from Water Music, Handel
- Rondeau, Mouret
- Trumpet Tune, Purcell
- Hymnto Joy, Beethoven
- La Rejouissance, from Fireworks Suite, Handel
- Prelude from Te Deum, Charpentier
- Rigaudon, Campra
- Toccata from Symphony V, Widor