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Mission Priority Examen

Every seven years, Jesuit colleges and universities undergo a thoughtful self-examination to understand how well we are living our mission. We ask the big questions about who we are and where we are headed.

Some of the key questions that guide the process are:

  • What makes a college or university Jesuit?
  • What does Jesuit sponsorship of a college or university mean today?
  • How will the 27 schools of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) and our Associate Members live out their Jesuit and Catholic mission going forward?

2024 Self-Study

The 2024 Mission Priority Examen (MPE) Self-Study Report is an outcome of extensive campus-wide engagement through listening sessions, focus groups, and surveys led by a steering committee made up of faculty, staff, and administrators. It establishes four key priorities that both reinforce the University's Jesuit mission and ensure its resonance across diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds, while also supporting Fordham's overarching strategic vision.

Priority 1: Strengthen our Jesuit and Catholic mission-based culture
Priority 2: Forge community by supporting faith and spirituality across all religious traditions
Priority 3: Advance transformative teaching and education
Priority 4: Advance public impact research

Download the Full 2024 MPE Self-Study