Synodality at Fordham

Synod on Synodality: The term synod comes from the Greek syn = together and hodos = journey. Pope Francis has called on all levels of church membership to a multi-year process of attentive listening, open sharing, and discerning as followers of Christ journeying into the third millennium. How are we walking together as God's pilgrim people? What are our hopes and fears? How is the Spirit leading us to grow along the way?  How are we bringing the power of the good news to a world in desperate need of light, hope, and healing? 
This synodal process expresses both the path and the style of being the Church. Insights and findings will be summarized, recorded, and sent to the Vatican. The first phase began in October last year and will end this April. Different groups are being formed here at Fordham. Students, staff, faculty, and community partners are encouraged to participate in groups at both the RH and LC campuses. Participants may come to one or more of the meetings.  Please direct inquiries to Campus Ministry, the Center for Community Engaged Learning, and the Center on Religion & Culture.
What have we been doing?
Campus Ministry:  One group will be meeting in the lower level of the University Church following the 11 a.m. Mass on four consecutive Sundays of Lent. Light lunch will be served.
Other groups will be constituted mainly from the student body represented in a variety of campus ministries: Retreats, PAV Volunteers, Praise & Worship, Multi-faith, LGBTQ+, Catholic Fellowship at LC, Catholic Life Board in RH.
Center for Community Engaged Learning
The Fordham Center for Community Engaged Learning, in partnership with Casa Yurumein, will sponsor A Discussion on Spirituality in celebration of Garifuna Heritage Month, on April 1st from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m at Tognino Hall in Duane Library.  Join us in person or virtually to celebrate the spiritual tradition of Garifuna people of Central America who have made the Bronx their home. The event will feature simultaneous interpretation in Spanish. 

For inquiries, please contact Surey I. Miranda, Director of Campus and Community Engagement, at

As the Church is participating in The Synod on Syondality, this event honors this moment in the Church’s history to create a space of communion, participation, and mission internally for us to reflect as members of the broader institution.