Green Campus Initiatives

In keeping with the Jesuit traditions of the pursuit of wisdom and learning, education of the whole person and respect for the environment, we recognize the value of minimizing our environmental impact.
We will endeavor to design, construct and maintain our buildings, infrastructure, and grounds in a manner that ensures environmental sustainability and demonstrates sustainability best practices in a broad range of areas.
More Green Campus Initiatives
Green Buildings
All new buildings will be designed from an energy standpoint to achieve the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) New Construction Silver rating, ensuring that all new properties are environmentally responsible.
In addition to its commitment to the , Fordham University has made other commitments to reduce its global environmental footprint and increase the sustainability of its operations. We also work to enhance our impact through strategic partnerships and programs that coordinate sustainability efforts with our peer institutions of higher education, New York City agencies, and other community stakeholders, such as the and the New York Botanical Garden.
Highlights include:
Clean Green Campuses Challenge
The Clean Green Campuses, a program of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), recognizes colleges and universities that strive to meet their financial, environmental, academic, and community goals through clean energy solutions.
Fordham University accepted the Clean Green Campus Challenge in 2016 and was recognized by the state as a “First Mover,” demonstrating leadership among our peers and a commitment to clean energy by joining the Clean Green Campus Challenge in its first six months. As a Clean Green Campus Challenge participant, Fordham has committed to investing in clean energy projects across our campuses, embracing clean energy curricula and research and development, and further engaging with our communities.
NYCDEP Water Challenge
As New York City is home to more college students than any other city in the United States, the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has challenged institutions of higher education to help reduce citywide water demand, and in 2018 launched the NYCDEP Water Challenge with a goal of reducing the city’s water consumption by 20 million gallons by 2022.
The Lincoln Center campus was selected for this challenge, since its facilities are connected to the DEP through the Automatic Meter Read (AMR) system. Student challenges as well as operational improvements that were implemented at Lincoln Center have also been conducted at Rose Hill. The goal was to reduce water consumption by at least 5% by 2020. Fordham achieved this goal through targeted water use reduction efforts in residence halls, dining halls, and the irrigation of green spaces. Through participation in this important initiative, Fordham is committed to installing submeters on the Rose Hill and the Lincoln Center campuses, which will allow us to measure usage and help us to continue to save water.
Framing Our Future
Fordham University was proud to become the first institution of higher education in the United States to collaborate with the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Framing our Future Campaign, with a commitment to educating about climate change and advocating for nature-based solutions.
Ashoka Innovators for the Public
As an AshokaU Changemaker Campus, Fordham advances an education that develops interdisciplinary and entrepreneurial skills. AshokaU breaks down barriers to institutional change and encourages social innovation in higher education.
National Arbor Day Foundation
Fordham University has been honored by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Campus USA. The University earned the distinction by meeting five core standards for a sustainable campus: the establishment of a tree advisory committee, a campus tree-care plan, dedicated annual expenditures for its campus tree program, an Arbor Day observance, and the sponsorship of student service-learning projects.