Safety for International Students

New York is a city full of life and adventure. Your time here may be a highlight of your life if you can enjoy what New York offers and learn to avoid the ‘dangers’ of the city. As you become familiar with living in New York City, you will get to know which neighborhoods and areas are safe, and which areas to avoid, and you will begin to feel more relaxed about traveling through city streets. Even then, it is a good idea to follow these tips (which most New Yorkers do):

  • After getting off a bus or subway station, LOOK AROUND to see whether you are being followed
  • If someone suspicious is behind you or ahead of you, cross the street. If necessary, you can crisscross from one side to the other, back and forth. DON’T BE AFRAID TO RUN!
  • BE EXTRA AWARE OF WHAT IS AROUND YOU. Walk closer to the curb to avoid passing too close to shrubbery, dark doorways, etc. Avoid shortcuts, especially through backyards, parking lots, or alleyways
  • Stay out of all parks after sundown
  • If a car approaches you and you are threatened, scream and run in the opposite direction from the car (the driver will have to turn around in order to follow you)
  • Try not to carry too many bags, purses, etc.
  • Never hitchhike or accept a ride from a stranger
  • When arriving home by taxi or private auto, request the driver to wait until you are inside
  • Have your key ready in hand so your house door can be opened immediately
  • Avoid using the subway late at night-it is better to take a bus or a taxi. If you do use the subway at night, wait for the train at the token booth, or in an area where other people are waiting. Ride in the train near the conductor in the middle of the car or with the engineer in the first car-never ride in an empty car, an unlit car, or at the end of the train.
  • Dress for mobility. Many styles are nice but make moving more difficult
  • If you are a victim of theft or robbery, try not to resist. Give up your valuables calmly, and observe as much as possible about the robber, especially his/her face. The exception is a situation in which you feel your life is in danger and you must fight or try to run away.

Please see the Public Safety website for more important information and tips.

If you are the victim of a theft, robbery, or assault, make sure to report the event to Public Safety immediately at 718-817-2222.