Naval Preparatory Scholarship
Fordham Navy Prep Program (NPP)
The Fordham University Naval ROTC Preparatory Program Scholarship provides economically and/or academically disadvantaged applicants with a unique opportunity to earn a commission in the United States Navy. This scholarship provides an extra year of academics and military orientation focused on preparing students for NROTC success.
Fordham University will provide tuition, fees, room, and board for a one-year NROTC preparation program as Midshipmen Candidates. Provided the candidates meet the criteria listed below they will be awarded an NROTC scholarship for up to four additional years to Fordham University.
Selected Fordham applicants who have received an invitation to complete the additional paperwork should complete the following documents and return them to the NROTC NPP Coordinator at by February 14. The documents are listed in Step 4 (below).
Application Process
The following are the steps to be considered for the NROTC Prep Program (NPP):
1. Apply to Fordham University using the Common Application by January 3.
2. On the Fordham Member Screen, select "ROTC" under pre-professional programs.
3. Upon receipt of your application, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the Prep Program application (detailed instructions will be included in the email). Submit the completed application and the following required documents to NROTC NPP coordinator at by February 14.
- Personal Data Record
- Statement of Understanding
- Drug Statement
- Report of Medical History
- Debarment Statement
- Fitness Assessment
- Before starting classes in the fall semester, you must successfully complete a Department of Defense medical exam, a physical fitness assessment (with a score of "Good Low" or better), and NROTC indoctrination training.
Scholarship decision notification will on or about April 1.
You can learn more about NROTC and the NPS Program at Naval Education and Training Command.
Requirements for NROTC:
- Successfully complete a Department of Defense medical exam and NROTC indoctrination training
- Maintain greater than a 2.8 GPA
- Pass the Navy’s Physical Fitness Assessment once a semester with a score of “Good Low” or better
- Maintain good standing* within the ROTC unit
Immersed in history and tradition, the New York City NROTC Battalion has proven to be a successful path to commissioning. At Fordham, service forges the person you become. We hear it all the time from our alumni and current students: Fordham gives them the tools to not only make a positive change in themselves, but also a positive change in the world.
* Good standing is defined as maintaining academic, disciplinary and physical requirements per NSTC 1533.2C - Regulations for Officer Development, as well as, receive a positive endorsement from the Professor of Naval Science.