Writing Center FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Writing Center?
The Writing Center at Lincoln Center is located at Quinn Library, Room 233. The Writing Center at Rose Hill is in the Walsh Library, Reference Area, Room 121.

When does the Writing Center open for the semester?
The Writing Center opens each semester shortly after classes begin. The Writing Center closes each semester sometime during Finals week. Please check the scheduler for available appointment times.

Is the Writing Center open during Finals Week?
Yes, the Writing Center offers appointments through Finals Week on a special Finals Week Schedule! Please check our scheduler for appointment availability.

How do I schedule a session at the Writing Center?
You can make an appointment by logging on to our online scheduling system. First-time users need to register (only Fordham email IDs accepted) and create a password. All writing center appointments are 45 minutes.

We don’t usually accept walk ins, but if there is a tutor present, they will certainly help you make an appointment. Sometimes the WC may not have any tutors available, in that case, you’ll have to use the online scheduling system on your own. If you encounter any trouble, please feel free to reach out to us at: writingcenter@fordham.edu.

How long should I expect my appointment to last?
All appointments are scheduled for 45 minutes.

Is there a limit to how often I can have an appointment?
Yes. In order to ensure equitable access to the schedule, our policy is to limit appointments to two per week. Exceptions to this policy will be made on a case-by-case basis. Please contact director Dr. Buck at ebuck7@fordham.edu if you would like to have a conversation about scheduling additional appointments.

What should I bring to my appointment?
The most important thing to bring to your tutorial is an openness to work on your writing! Other things that help make a session successful are:

  • The assignment sheet
  • Any class notes or course texts that pertain to the assignment
  • Any written work you have done so far.
  • Any secondary sources that might be pertinent.

I don’t have a draft of my paper; can I still come to the Writing Center?
Yes! You are welcome to schedule a session to brainstorm ideas to help get you started. Please bring the assignment prompt with you so that your tutor can most effectively help you plan your writing.

I came to the Writing Center last night and worked with a tutor on a paper and I want to come in right before it’s due tomorrow to have a new tutor take a “final look.” Is this okay?
If you want a writing consultant to look over the final draft of your paper and teach you how to catch grammatical or copy-editing errors on your own, then we are happy to help. However, a tutor cannot “fix” your paper for you before you turn it in. At the writing center we work with the students to improve their writing, we are not copy-editors. 

What if I cancel or don't show up for an appointment?
If you must cancel, we appreciate as much notice as possible so that other students may be able to use the time. Please login to our online scheduling system and cancel as soon as you know you cannot make your appointment. If you don’t cancel in advance, you’ll be considered a “no-show.” Three no-shows will result in temporary deactivation of your account. To reactivate, you’ll need to get in touch with writing center leadership by emailing writingcenter@fordham.edu.  

What if I’m late to my appointment?
If you are more than 15 minutes late, your appointment will be canceled and registered as a no-show. Recurrent no-shows can lead to a suspension of your Writing Center appointment privileges. Please plan carefully to be on time for your appointment.

Can I bring my paper on my laptop or do I need a hard copy?
Either way! A hard copy can be very helpful for giving close attention to writing, but our tutors are used to working with electronic copies and can accommodate either scenario.

Can I talk about more than one assignment in an appointment?
It depends. It is typically best to address one assignment per session, but in some situations it may be possible to look at more than one piece of writing (e.g. Standing Appointments with the same tutor). You may consult your tutor about your circumstance, but remember that if you have multiple papers, you are always welcome to schedule two appointments (up to 90 minutes in one week).

I have a research paper due for a non-humanities class. May I still come to the Writing Center?
Yes! We offer tutorials for writing on any subject, and many of our staff members bring experience and expertise in writing across different academic disciplines. Take a look at the “Meet the Team” page to find out more about our tutors’ specialties.

My professor says I really need to work on grammar. Will the Writing Center help me with this?
Yes! We are happy to work with students who express a desire to learn more about conventions of grammar and improve their self-editing skills. However, please do note that the Writing Center is not a copy-editing service, and that all attention to usage will be paired with attention to content, structure, and other important rhetorical features of your writing.

Do you help with non-academic writing?
Yes! We help with all the different kinds of writing tasks that students face. This includes personal statements for graduate or professional schools (law school, medical school, etc.), applications for internships, and applications for funding for internships.

Do you help with creative writing?

Can the Writing Center help me with a paper written in a foreign language?
Unfortunately, right now the Fordham Writing Center does not have capacity to offer tutorials for projects in languages other than English.

I am a strong writer and am confident about my writing. Is the Writing Center for me?
YES! All writers can benefit from the feedback of an interested reader. In fact, just about all professional writers show their work to others in order to improve it.

Does the Writing Center see graduate students?
Yes! The Writing Center welcomes graduate students and undergraduate students from all levels. If you are a graduate student with a specialized need for writing tutoring, please feel free to contact writingcenter@fordham.edu to tell us about your needs so that we can help direct you. 

Can I work with the same tutor every time?
Yes! We welcome and encourage standing appointments with the same tutor, and you are welcome to contact writingcenter@fordham.edu to help coordinate this. We will note, however, that our schedule gets filled up quickly, so it's possible that the same tutor may not always be available. All of our Writing Center consultants are qualified and here to support you to improve your writing.

How can I make the most of the Writing Center?

  • Don't wait until the last minute. Schedule your appointment so that you have enough time to revise before your paper is due.
  • Don’t cancel! No matter where you are in the process, no matter how little you have written—we can help. An hour spent planning and prioritizing will help you work efficiently.

What if I have a suggestion for the Writing Center?
Tell your tutor, or contact the Writing Center Leadership Team at writingcenter@fordham.edu