Submission Guidelines

Manuscript Submission

1.    Please submit your paper in the form of an attachment in PDF format to In your email, include your name, professional affiliation, and contact information, as well as the title of your manuscript.

2.    The manuscript PDF attachment should include on the first page an abstract of no more than 150 words as well as a list of keywords (up to 6) representing the subject of the paper. The second page of the manuscript should begin the main text at the top of the second page. Do not include any information that will reveal the author’s identity in the abstract, keywords, or main text of the article. Please include page numbers.

3.    For the sake of anonymity during the review process, please make sure that all identifying information is deleted from the PDF file. Your name should not appear in the title, abstract, keywords, body, or header/footer of the manuscript; cite works by yourself in the third person; do not include personal notes (acknowledgments, thanks, references to oral presentation, etc.).

4.    If including images, artwork, graphs and/or figures with your manuscript, please submit them collated together in a separate, second PDF attachment along with your manuscript. Include a third PDF attachment with the captions for the images. Thus, if you are including images, your submission email will have three separate attachments: Manuscript PDF, Images PDF, and Captions PDF.

5.    Article submissions should be in English and not exceed 12,000 words, including footnotes. Please double-space manuscripts throughout, including block quotations and footnotes, with one-inch page margins.

6.    For questions of style, punctuation, and spelling, please consult the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition or above (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), hereafter Chicago; and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition or above (Springfield: Merriam-Webster, 2003), hereafter MWCD.

7.    When appropriate, please use gender-inclusive language (i.e. humanity not man, people not men). Translations of ancient (or modern) texts should not, however, be more or less gender-inclusive than the original language.

8.    By submitting a manuscript to the Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies for review, the author certifies that it is not being submitted simultaneously to another journal. Authors should not submit manuscripts that have appeared previously, that will appear elsewhere, or whose substance has appeared or will appear in print elsewhere, whether in English or in another language. The Johns Hopkins University Press requires the assignment of copyright to the Press on acceptance of the paper for publication. Authors must obtain any necessary permissions for extensive quotations, tables, illustrations, images, or any other copyrighted material.

9.    Manuscripts in languages other than English are accepted for initial editorial assessment but must be accompanied by a detailed summary in English (generally of 1000-1500 words) and must be translated into English (by author arrangement) if they are recommended for external blind review.

10.    Occasionally The Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies will consider English translations of classic papers in the interdiscipline. Authors considering an English translation of a relevant work should contact the Editor in advance at For translations, authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions from the holder(s).