Qun Wang

Qun Wang


Faculty Memorial Hall, Room 454

  • PhD in Communication, Information, and Media, Rutgers University

  • An award-winning journalist and scholar, Dr. Wang's teaching and research focus on the intersection of journalism, technology, and the global society. She is interested in the digital transformation of journalism and media, digital platforms, and the dynamics in the global media and technology landscape.

  • Wang, Q. (2023). A complicated picture: Media diversity in the case of Google’s video search during the pandemic. Internet Policy Review, 12(4).

    Wang, Q., & Keith. S. (2021). Newsaggregators and copyright in the European Union and the United States in the digital age: Evolution, comparisons, and implications. First Monday, Volume 26, Number 9.

    Wang, Q. (2020). Differentiation and de-differentiation: The evolving power dynamics between news industry and tech industry. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 97(2): 509-527.

    Wang, Q. (2020). Normalization and Differentiation in Google News: A Multi-Method Analysis of the World's Largest News Aggregator. ProQuest Publication No. 27672379

    Wang, Q. (2018). Dimensional field theory: The adoption of audience metrics in the journalistic field and cross-field influences. Digital Journalism, 6(4): 472-491.

    Wang, Q., Napoli, P.M., & Ma, Y. (2018). Problems and solutions for American political coverage: Journalistic self-critique in the wake of the 2016 presidential election. Journalism Practice, 12(10): 1241-1258.

  • Introduction to Journalism

    Social Media for Journalists

    Global Media and Communication

    International Communication

    Representing Asians in Journalism and Media