Tim Wood

PhD New York University in Media, Culture, and Communication, 2018
Professor Wood researches promotional culture, corporate political advocacy, and theories of transparency and communicative power. He approaches much of his research and teaching through the lens of fossil fuels and environmental politics.
Communication and Culture: History, Theory, and Methods
Strategic Communication
Political Communication
Wood, Tim. 2018. “Energy’s citizens: The making of a Canadian petro-public.” Canadian Journal of Communication, 43(1): 75-92.
Wood, Tim. 2017. “The many voices of business: Framing the Keystone pipeline in U.S. and Canadian news.” Journalism. (Online First, print publication forthcoming)
Benson, Rodney and Tim Wood. 2015. “Who says what or nothing at all? Speakers, frames, and frameless quotes in unauthorized immigration news in the United States, Norway, and France.” American Behavioral Scientist, 59(7): 802-821.
Benson, Rodney and Tim Wood. 2015. “Mass Media.” Sociology. Oxford Bibliographies Online.