M.A. in Public Media Partners and Professional Resources

The Public Media (PMMA) has partnerships with non-profit news and advocacy organizations across New York. We routinely place our students in internships with these partners, and the leading professionals who work there often teach in our program.

Are you interested in partnering with the PMMA? Contact Jessica Baldwin-Philippi, Ph.D., Director Graduate Studies, at jphilippi@fordham.edu

We also work closely with these organizations:

Alumni Network

As a PMMA grad, you will become part of a robust alumni network that can connect you to communications professionals in a variety of non-profit organizations, news outlets, advocacy orgs, and marketing professionals working in the public interest. Our alums currently work at:

  • Do Something, the UN's International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • Everytown for Gun Safety
  • American Academy of Family Physicians
  • NYC Office of Veteran’s Affairs
  • WXLT ABC27, Talahassee
  • CBS News
  • Marketplace (American Public Media), and more

Fordham also offers career preparation and counseling services with a specialized focus on communications professionals. Learn more from our Career Services Center.

Are you a PMMA alum interested in sharing your experiences with current students? Contact Jessica Baldwin-Philippi, Ph.D., Director Graduate Studies, at jphilippi@fordham.edu.

Academic Research Partners

The PMMA program has connections to multiple research institutes on campus, including the McGannon Center and the Bernard L. Schwartz Center for Media, Public Policy and Education.

PMMA students have often presented at academic conferences and even gone on to pursue their Ph.D. in Communication Studies. If you’re interested in learning more about conferences and professional academic organizations that do this work, our students and faculty have ties to the following: