CIPS Courses

ECON 6770: Microfinance in Emerging Markets: Lesson from Peru
Professors: Erick Rengifo, Darryl McLeod and Rosendo Ramirez (Lima)
Location: 10 days in NYC, 10 days in Lima at UARM and Cuzco (4 weeks)
Course Number: ECON 3243 or 6770 (Undergraduates with permission)
Offered: July Summer Session II and January Intersession
Related Internships: MFIs in Peru (Cuzco or Lima)

SWGS 6624: International Social Development and Capacity Building
Professors: Dr. Mariciana Popescu, GSSS
Course numbers: SWGS 6624 - Fordham Graduate School of Social Service
Offered: July Summer Session II and January Intersession
Partners: UARM, Asociación Arariwa or ARARIWA

ECON 5808: Migration, Gender, and Financial Inclusion
Professors: Norma Fuentes, Darryl McLeod and Raymond Myrthil (Haiti)
Course Number: ECON 5808 (Upper Division Undergraduates with permission)
Offered: Summer Session I in New York (Prior to internships)
Related Internships: MFIs in Dominican Republic or Mexico
Partners: El Colegio Tlaxcala, UARM, Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM)

  • The aim of this course is to present the basic concepts related to microfinance, its origins and evolution, analyzing the successful Peruvian experience. The class will also analyze and compare the main Latin American microfinance models and try to find the main reasons why the Peruvian model has succeeded. It will review how Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) are organized and how they differ from the banking sector providing loans to micro-entrepreneurs. The class will present a detailed analysis of MFIs in Peru, the micro-business development and its impact on development and social inclusion. It will preset the products and instruments used and how Peruvian MFIs make them attractive and accessible to their clients while at the same time profitable, allowing them to create a self sustainable business model.

  • This course aims to expand students' understanding of the global context and to equip students to work with diverse communities locally and internationally. The course will focus on enhancing students' skills in the areas of community building; community needs assessment and capacity mapping; community organizing; stakeholder analysis; and advocacy. The course is designed around the themes of (1) international social development and social work - theoretical perspectives and the roles of a social worker in the global context; (2) globalization, global issues and the consequences of these issues for communities and their residents from an international perspective; (3) human rights and the implications of choosing to become an agent of change from a human rights' perspective; and (4) international social development - current approaches; best practices and future trends.

  • This intern-disciplinary course introduces students to contemporary theories and research on international migration, development and poverty and the role of remittance and microfinance as new forms of capital alleviating poverty in Latin America and the new Global South (specifically in nations with increasing rates of immigration and micro-enterprising by women (Mexico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa). The main objective of the course is to investigate how migration, remittance and microfinance reduces poverty and promotes development. Through lectures and active class discussions, including presentations by invited development and poverty experts, students will further explore how families in poor and developing nations can benefit from remittance and micro-enterprising as well as investments. Interdisciplinary case studies from Mexico, the DR, India and Africa will illustrate how migration, employment and micro-financing can affect employment as well as the ability of women and other families to engage in self-entrepreneurship and development and at once elicit greater government and state involvement and accountability.