Jessica Denzer

Picture of Jessica Denzer

Advanced Lecturer

BA, Fordham University, FCLC; MFA, Sarah Lawrence College

Areas of Interest: First-year composition, digital and visual media, creative nonfiction, auto-theory, narrative and novel writing, literary and film theory


  • Jessica Denzer is a writer of both fiction and creative nonfiction. Her pedagogical research examines how systemic hierarchies perpetuate inequality and inequity, and how evolving rhetorical platforms can deconstruct historical power structures effectively. Her writing courses focus on writing and identity, community-based writing, visual and auditory literacy, and multimodal literacy. Her creative and scholarly interests include feminist and cultural theory, gender and sexuality, visual rhetoric, trauma inheritance, and Victorian and Edwardian monsters. Jessica is also the Editor of L’Esprit Literary Review, and Prose Editor of Iron Oak Editions. Her work can be found in various literary journals and publications, including Alternating Current’s anthology Best Small Fictions of 2023 (2024), and Archway Editions’ Unpublishable Anthology (2020).  Her current work-in-progress focuses on grief, sexuality, ghosts, and witchcraft.