Maria Farland

English Faculty Profile Picture

Associate Professor; Director of Placement and Professional Development, Graduate Studies (DPPD)

B.A., Amherst College; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University

Research and Teaching Interests: American literature pre-1910; gender studies; literature and medicine; literature and the environment

  • A specialist in U.S. literature from 1840-1960, Maria Farland taught at Wesleyan and Columbia Universities before joining Fordham in 2000 and receiving tenure in 2007. Since 2009, Farland has been co-editor of Studies in American Fiction (Johns Hopkins Univ. Press). She has published essays on Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Gertrude Stein, Sylvia Plath, 1970s feminism, and W.E.B. DuBois, in peer-reviewed venues like American Quarterly, ALH, ELH, minnesota review, and American Literature. Her most recent publication is an essay on Walt Whitman, “Expansive Exhibitions: Agriculture and Environment in Whitman’s Philadelphia-Camden Region,” in the volume A Greene County Towne (2016). Her current work on American antipastoral examines the writings of authors like Dickinson, Whitman, Robert Frost—and movements like modernism and the Harlem Renaissance—in terms of discourses of agricultural and rural decline. Some recent courses include: “Extraordinary Bodies”; “Dickinson, Whitman, and Contemporaries”; “Major American Authors”; “New York City in Literature”; “Rural America in Literature”; and at the graduate level “Country and the City in American Literature”; “Research Methods”; “Intro to Critical Theory”; “Nineteenth Century American Poetry”; and “Gender in American Literature.” In 2008, she received Fordham University’s award for outstanding undergraduate teaching in the humanities.