Michael Reich

Picture of Michael Reich


PhD, St. John’s University

Areas of Interest: Digital Rhetoric, Deliberative Democracy, Social Justice, Propaganda and Public Relations, Community-Engaged Writing, Professional and Technical Writing

  • Michael Reich studies the utilization of deliberative democracy in writing classrooms
    and writing centers to build community across political, racial, and sociocultural divides.
    His research interests also include the effects of propaganda on dialogue in the digital
    age. His current book project is entitled: Long Live The Free Market: The Post-Truth
    Stifling Deliberation.

    His poetry has appeared in Chagrin River Review, Otoliths, Scud, and Synchronized
    Chaos. His art has appeared in Otoliths and Breakwater Review and Nonmaterialism.
    Michael’s courses at Fordham Include “Writing for Digital Spaces,” “Introduction to
    Professional Writing,” and “Nonprofit and Advocacy Writing.”