Public and Professional Writing
Why Minor in Public and Professional Writing?
The Public and Professional Writing (PPW) Minor equips students of any major with the necessary skills to write for audiences of any background.
The PPW Minor prepares you to assume critical communication roles in the political, social, and cultural contexts that define today’s globalized world. In the minor, you will engage in serious intellectual work that enhances your understanding of writing as a form of social action and professional communication that shapes our world.
In the minor, students will:
- Write effectively across multiple genres and media, using a variety of modalities and technologies;
- Communicate across diverse audiences, contexts, and cultures, enabling them to compose effectively on behalf of an organization or cause;
- Recognize the different conventions, forms, and genres of writing that are appropriate for different public, professional, and academic settings;
- Understand writing as a form of creative and critical inquiry central to a variety of professions, industries, and vocations, including professional and technical writing, editing and publishing, mass media, public policy, international relations business, social work, nonprofit/advocacy work, and social activism;
- Exhibit awareness of public debates over language, diversity, globalization, and justice as they relate to historical and current contexts of professional and public writing.
What Courses Would I Need to Take?
Students are required to take 18 credits (6 courses):
- 1 Texts and Contexts Course
- 1 Introduction to Professional Writing Course
- Minimum 1 PPW-Focused (PPWF) Course
- 3 PPW-Designated (PPWD) Courses
How Do I Declare?
For more information, please contact the PPW Minor advisor:
Dr. Crystal Colombini: [email protected]