EP Journal


EP publishes writing produced by students in Texts & Contexts. EP is short for eloquentia perfecta, a Latin phrase meaning the right use of reason combined with civic responsibility and eloquent expression. This idea of eloquentia perfecta has long been central to Jesuit education, and EP’s mission is to draw on the best of that tradition while bringing it into the 21st century.

Each year, professors are invited to nominate some of the strongest writing from their Texts and Contexts classes. These submissions receive anonymous consideration from at least two members of a review board comprised of graduate students from Fordham’s Graduate School of Arts and Science. Essays selected through this rigorous blind peer review process are returned with detailed reader reports to the writers. From there, the authors revise and resubmit their essays for final publication.

For the current issue of EP, follow this link: https://eloquentiaperfecta.blog.fordham.edu/

Nicholas Clark <nclark16@fordham.edu>

Lina Jiang <ljiang28@fordham.edu>

Jason Ray <jray12@fordham.edu>

Vlasta Vranjes <vranjes@fordham.edu>
Faculty Advisor