William Hogue


Fordham University: Modern History M.A., May 2018

Thesis: “Proxy-Wars of Religion: US Neoconservative Theology and Central American Revolutions”

Kent State University, Kent, OH : History and English B.A. (Minor: Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies), December 2015.


Research Interests

I am interested in the transnational intellectual / political history of US foreign policy and its relationship to economics, American Christianity, and culture. My research examines the history of multinational organizations, religious institutions and policy institutes, and the politics of international order. In particular, I focus on the influence of liberation theology in Latin American revolutions and the US domestic human rights reaction to US foreign policy in Central America.


Publications and Presentations

Article: “The Ideal of a Radical Christian Intellectual”, Religions 2018, 9, 277 (September 2018)


Transcription: “From War to Politics: An International Conference on El Salvador's Peace Process” (May 2017)


Presentation: “Christian Fundamentalism, Marxism, and Cold War Ideology: A Historiographic Examination” (Fordham University, May 2019).

Presentation: “Proxy-Wars of Religion: US Neoconservitive Theology and Central American Revolutions” (Fordham University, May 2017).



Fellowships, Honors, and Awards

Graduate Assistantship, 2018/19

Graduate Assistantship, 2019/20

Teaching Fellowship, 2020/21