External Fellowships and Funding

Doctoral students are encouraged to seek external funding because fellowships won in national competitions help to bolster academic CVs and also provide supplemental funding for research and writing.  Download potential fellowships and awards pdf file for more information.

Additional information on external funding can be viewed at The Campion Institute website. The Campion Institute assists Fordham students with applications for prestigious fellowships and other forms of external funding.  For graduate students applying for external prestigious fellowships and seeking funding for activities that will strengthen their application, the Campion Institute offers a limited number of Matteo Ricci Summer Fellowships.

Guides to Applying for Fellowships 
Members of the American Historical Association may access an online directory entitled Grants, Fellowships, & Prizes of Interest to Historians.  For non-members, the AHA also has an Awards and Fellowships section available online within its AHA Calendar.

The Fordham History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) is in the process of compiling examples of successful grant and fellowship applications as a resource for all graduate students.  If you have successfully applied for funding, please consider making your application available to the wider community.  Email historyweb@fordham.edu for more information.