History Department Sample Curriculum Vitae
Rebecca L. Slitt
Department of History
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
2008: Ph.D., History, Fordham University
Dissertation: “Aristocratic Male Friendship in the Anglo-Norman World”
Advisor: Prof. Maryanne Kowaleski
2000: M.A., Medieval Studies, Fordham University
Thesis: “Jousts of War: Chivalric Ritual on the Battlefield”
1997: B.A., Humanities, Yale University
Cum laude, Distinction in the Humanities Major
Teaching Experience
2007-present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Hofstra University Honors College
“Culture and Expression” (2 sections)
2002-03: Teaching Associate, Department of History, Fordham University
“The West: The Enlightenment to the Present”(3 sections)
2001-02: Teaching Fellow, Department of History, Fordham University
“The West: The Enlightenment to the Present” (2 sections)
“Justifying Cross-Cultural Friendship in the First Crusade: Bohemond, Firuz, and the Fall of Antioch” Viator 38:2 (2007): 339-349
Under Consideration:
“Jousts of War: Chivalric Performance and Military Practice,” submitted to Journal of Medieval Military History
“Acting Out Friendship: Signs and Gestures of Aristocratic Male Friendship in the Twelfth Century,” submitted to Haskins Society Journal
“And Joking, Tell the Truth: Humor and Resistance in Gerald of Wales.” 44th International Congress on Medieval Studies (Forthcoming, May 2009)
“Remembering Friendship in Norman Chronicles: The Life and Death of William Longsword.” Haskins Society Conference (November 2008)
“Arbiters and Empresses: Women and Political Friendship in Twelfth-Century England.” 43rd International Congress on Medieval Studies (May 2008)
“Representations of Royal Friendship in Anglo-Norman England.” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK (July 2007)
“Fostering, Friendship, and Family in the Anglo-Norman Aristocracy.” Plymouth State University Medieval Forum (April 2006)
“Justifying Cross-Cultural Friendship in the First Crusade: Bohemond, Firuz, and the Fall of Antioch.” Siena College Convivium Medieval Studies Conference (October 2005)
“Brothers in Arms: Military Friendship in the Anglo-Norman World." New York Medieval Studies Doctoral Consortium (April 2005)
“Acting Out Friendship: Signs and Gestures of Aristocratic Male Friendship in the Twelfth Century.” Haskins Society Conference (November 2004)
“Breaking Faith and Friendship: The Ceremony of Defiance in Medieval Europe.” Medieval Friendship Conference, Queen’s University Belfast (August 2004)
“Dedicated to Peace: Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae and the Civil War of the 1130s.” 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies (May 2003)
“Planting the Self Among Others: Society and Property in Cardiff 1081-1282.” Columbia University Medieval Guild Conference (March 2002)
“Jousts of War: Pageantry as Power on the Battlefield.” Siena College Convivium Medieval Studies Conference (October 2000)
“The Performance of Chivalry: Theatricality in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” Plymouth State College Medieval Forum (April 2000)
Teaching Interests
- European History (ancient, medieval, early modern)
- Medieval Britain and France
- Medieval Spain
- Medieval Social and Cultural History
- Chivalric Culture and Literature
Academic Service
2007-present: Faculty Mentor, Hofstra University Honors College
2005-2007: Task Force, Yale University Library Catalog Department
2001: Research Assistant, Western Society for French History
1998-2000: Chair, Academic Committee, Fordham University Graduate Student Association
Fellowships And Awards
2003: The Joseph O'Callaghan Graduate Essay Prize in Medieval Studies
2003: Summer Graduate Assistantship, French of England Project, Fordham University
1999-2002: Bennett Fellowship, Fordham University
1998-2002: Presidential Scholarship, Fordham University
1998-99: Loyola Distinguished Fellowship, Fordham University
1993-97: Yale Club of Hartford Scholarship
Other Experience
2003-2007: Catalog Assistant, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University
2003: Web Designer, French of English Project, Fordham University
2001: Web Designer, Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University
1997-98: Web Designer, Yale Map Collection
Professional And Academic Organizations
American Historical Association
Medieval Academy of America
Haskins Society for Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, Angevin, and Viking History
De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History
French, Old French, Anglo-Norman, Latin, German
Professor Maryanne Kowaleski
Director, Center for Medieval Studies
Fordham University
Bronx, NY 10458
Professor Daniel Smail
Department of History, Harvard University
Robinson Hall
35 Quincy St.
Cambridge, MA, 02138
Dean Warren Frisina
Hofstra University Honors College
037 Axinn Library
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
Caroline S. Dunn
46 Golfers Circle
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
(508) 394-4638, csdunn@gmail.com
Doctoral Candidate in Medieval History, Fordham University, Bronx, NY. 1999 – Present. Mentor: Dr. Maryanne Kowaleski
Dissertation: Damsels in Distress or Partners in Crime? The Abduction of Women in Medieval England
Comprehensive exam completed November 2002 (High Pass)
M.A. in Medieval History awarded with distinction, University of Durham, Durham, England. December 1999. Mentor: Dr. Robin Frame
Thesis: Loyalty and Alliance on the Late-Medieval Anglo-Scottish Border: The Herons, Swinburnes, Humes, and Swintons, c. 1377-1437
B.A. in History awarded Cum Laude, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. June 1997
Junior Year abroad, University of Hull, Hull, England. Awarded tuition-remission scholarship, Oct. 1995 – June 1996
Teaching Experience
Senior Teaching Fellow, Department of History, Fordham University, 2003/04
HSRF 1300: Introduction to Medieval History; Freshman Seminar
HSRU 1000: The West – Enlightenment to Present
Teaching Associate, Department of History, Fordham University, 2002/03
HSRF 1000: The West – Enlightenment to Present; Freshman Seminar
Teaching Fellow, Department of History, Fordham University, 2001/02
HSRU 1000: The West – Enlightenment to Present
Fellowships and Awards
Fordham University Summer Professional Development Stipend, 2006Fordham University Alumni Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2005/06National Conference on British Studies Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2004Hope Emily Allen Dissertation Grant from the Medieval Academy of America, 2003
Fordham University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Travel Grant, 2003
Senior Teaching Fellowship, Department of History, Fordham University, 2003-04
Bennett Fellow, Department of History, Fordham University, 1999/00, 2000/01, 2001/02
Teaching Fellow, Department of History, Fordham University, 2001/02
Graduate Assistantship, Center for Medieval Studies, Graduate Dean’s Office, and Walsh Library, Fordham University, Summer 2001 and Summer 2002
Graduate Assistantship, Department of History, Fordham University, 1999/00, 2000/01
Prize Essay, Institute for Irish Studies Essay Contest, Fordham University, 2000, $100
Tuition Award, Department of History, University of Durham, 1998/99, £1000
Tuition-Remission Scholarship for Junior Year Abroad at University of Hull, sponsored by the University of Washington, 1995/96
Professional Experience
Graduate Assistant for Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies, Graduate Dean’s Office, and Walsh Library, Summer 2001 and Summer 2002
Catalogued 3150 microfilms of rare and out-of-print books from the Vatican Film Library for Walsh Library
Edited entries in Latin for spelling discrepancies and paleographical vagaries
Research Assistant for Dr. Daniel L. Smail, Fordham University, Sept. 2000 – Dec. 2000
Compiled data and constructed tables for academic conference paper
Extensive bibliographic and library research
Research Assistant for Dr. Kirsten Swinth, Fordham University, Jan. 2000 – April 2000 Examined Jane Addams papers for information relating to art at Hull House, also aided research on early twentieth-century American artists
Research Assistant for Dr. Maryanne Kowaleski, Fordham University, Sept. 1999 – Jan. 2000 Explored primary sources for references to medieval maritime history
Extensive bibliographic and library research
“Contracting Marriage in York and Paris.” In Medieval Towns: A Reader. Ed. Maryanne Kowaleski, 187-90. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press, 2006.Under Review
“Ravishment of Women Revisited: A Reappraisal of the Statutes of Westminster.” Under Review at Law and History Review.
“‘Married…contrary to their own desires’: The Abduction of Widows in Medieval England.” Under Review at Journal of Social History.
Papers Presented
Regional Variations of Matrimonial Law and Custom in Europe, 1150-1650, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, August 2006
Abducted Wives and Adulterous Wives in the Common Law Courts of Later Medieval England, International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, July 2006
Love and Hate in Medieval English Abduction Prosecutions, Medieval and Tudor London Seminar Series, Institute of Historical Research, London, England, May 2006
Stealing Women in Medieval London, Medieval and Renaissance Postgraduate Discussion Group, University of Durham, Durham, UK, February 2006
Remembering a Prior Engagement: Abduction, Adultery and Self-Divorce in the Common Law Courts of Medieval England, Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting. Miami, FL, March 2005
Bride-Theft and Wife-Theft in Late Medieval England: Alternative Strategies for Marriage Formation and Dissolution, Late Medieval England Seminar Series. Institute of Historical Research. London, England, February 2005
“Taken Against the Will of Her Husband”: The Abduction of Wives in the Later Middle Ages, 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2004
Captured Women or Captured Hearts? The Link between Abduction and Adultery in Medieval England, New York City Doctoral Consortium in Medieval Studies Colloquium. New York, NY, April 2003
“She Was Raveshid Ayens Hyr Wel, Whatsoever She Sey”: Consenting Daughters, Threatened Fathers, and the Ravishment of Women in Late Medieval England, North American Conference for British Studies, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, March 2003
Damsels in Distress or Partners in Crime? The Abduction of Women in Later Medieval England, American Conference for Irish Studies, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting. College of Mount St Vincent, Riverdale, NY, October 2000
The Mac Carthaig Rulers of Desmond and the Strategy of Realpolitik in Anglo-Norman Ireland, American Irish Historical Society. New York, NY. Paper given upon invitation, May 2001
Celtic Realpolitik: Kingship Survival Strategies in High Medieval Ireland
Graduated with Distinction, University of Durham, December 1999
Graduated Cum Laude, University of Washington, June 1997
Phi Beta Kappa. Inducted June 1997
Phi Eta Sigma. Inducted May 1994
University of Washington Dean’s List, 1993-1997
Academic Service
History Department Representative to Graduate Students’ Association, 2000/01, 2002/03, 2003/04.
GSA Committees: Student Life Committee Member, 2003/04, GSA Insurance Committee Member, 2002/03, GSA Social Committee Chair, 2000/01
Student Senator, University of Washington, 1994/95
Student Senate Liaison to University of Washington Student Judicial Committee, 1994/95
Student Senate Academic Affairs Committee Member, 1994/95
German: Highly proficient in reading, writing, and speaking
French, Modern and Anglo-Norman: Proficient in reading
Latin: Proficient in reading
Professional Organizations
American Historical Association
Medieval Academy of America
Medieval Feminist Forum