Graduate IPED Dual-Degree Programs
The Economics MA at Fordham

Fordham's Economics Department can grant up to twelve (12) credits (4 courses) of advanced standing to IPED students who wish to stay on at Fordham in order to earn a second MA in Economics in addition to their IPED MA. Interested students, prior to completing their MA in the IPED program, must formally apply for admission into the Economics MA program. All application fees are waived. Such an option is useful for students who wish to complement a non-economics specialization (international development studies or international banking and finance) in their IPED course work with more specialized training in economics (development economics, financial economics, monetary economics, or international economics). Others use this option to further pursue and broaden their economics training in IPED (international and development economics or global environmental and resource economics specializations) with additional economics course work in their Economics MA Program. With proper planning, a student can obtain both MA degrees within two years, including one summer.
Funding for additional courses to pursue this dual degree may be available for Returning Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCV) and continuing Fulbright Scholars in the IPED Program.
The Economics PhD at Fordham
The IPED MA also meets the needs of students who use the program to gain an advanced interdisciplinary knowledge of international issues before entering upon a traditional PhD program in one of the social sciences. Special arrangements exist for IPED students who wish to earn their PhD at Fordham in Economics. IPED students who wish to pursue the PhD in economics should have a GPA of 3.5 or above.
For the PhD in economics at Fordham, a student, prior to completing the MA in the IPED program, must formally apply for admission. All application fees are waived. There is no PhD in IPED at Fordham. Students in the Economics PhD, however, have the ability to explore political economy questions in either international or development economics.
If accepted into the economics doctoral program, a student must complete only 30 credits (10 courses) plus the following if they were not taken as part of the IPED MA curriculum:
- ECON 6010 - Price Theory I
- ECON 6020 - Macroeconomic Theory I
- ECON 5710 - Mathematics for Economists I
Furthermore, an IPED graduate must certify in two instead of three fields of concentration. Certification in these two fields is obtained through examination.
The Dual MA/JD Program at Fordham
Approved by the Fordham Law Faculty and in accordance with the guidelines of the American Bar Association, Fordham Law School students may participate in a joint degree program where they will earn the JD as well as the MA in IPED. At the beginning of the Spring semester of their first year of law school, interested students should contact the IPED Director in order to make arrangements for application into the IPED Program. All application fees are waived. During their second year of Law School, these students normally begin their IPED studies. They must complete two economics core courses, two political science core courses, one quantitative methods course, and three electives in the IPED Program. These students usually take two courses per semester for a total of four semesters to fulfill these IPED requirements. Following the guidelines of the American Bar Association these courses can also partially count toward their JD degree. All remaining courses needed for the MA (12 credits) are usually done as part of their JD degree work provided that these courses are all in international law.